I admit I was harsh with my words, honestly I have no idea who the translator is and what other project she translated, maybe you are used to the funny notes and memes, I didn't appreciate because they felt overwhelming to me. I'm sorry for being disrespectful, I completely respect her work and I'm grateful for it (it's not so easy to translate and I don't even know what was the original language). I hope you all can forgive me, I won't say things this way again.

They really tore into you especially now that you've explained that you really do appreciate the translators work, I want to say that I kind of agree about the notes? They just break the immersion when they're so plentiful. Still, I agree that I'm grateful for the work and being able to read this because of the translator so I can move past my preference
I just hate* the translator's useless notes and memes, didn't really enjoy the reading experience.
Otherwise this is an amazing comic.
*I admit I was harsh with my words, I want to apologise to everyone and to the translator, I'm absolutely not used to their work and read this comic out of nowhere. Thank you for your work on translation and I'm sorry for being rude.