Not at all. It's probably based on author's experience and culture in China. Moreover the author shown some females such as the woman who got rejected by MC but she still remains calm and understanding, the detective girl with blue hair who reveal Chen Xin double face, ML's previous girlfriend who broke up with ML for being gay. That ex girlfriend shown to be ruthless and strong woman. Also, some men prefer women look natural. So, such remark is common. Maybe MC prefer someone who look natural. Nothing wrong with him have humane preferences.
Conclusion? Author is human being and you hate them having human nature.

I agree. As a girl that has seen the culture that is ruthless on depicting high-school girls, this is tame. I think the author is giving a good balance. Both male and female students are very judgmental on the situation and after the confrontation with the MC , both male a female students apologized. Not to mention that there were alot of male students that shuned the MC because he's gay and don't wanna be his next 'target'....honestly...
So what if the author showed two really awful girls. There were other girls that over shined the bad (the girl with purple hair and the girl with blue hair, heck even the blonde girl that came over to the MC to say sorry and even offer support) , and yet people look at this comment and say 'ew'....how mature.
You gave a good statement. And stand by it.
Also sorry if I'm bring this back up from like 5 months...
anyone else getting the vibe that the author hates women lmao. the only reoccurring female character is chen xin and the way the author portrayed su luos ex. xiao nan litr says she's wearing too much makeup in his head. v icky all around