
HRAensn May 25, 2024 6:34 am

Did both the uke and seme cheat on each other technically? The uke was about to do it with the woman in the sex club but was stopped by his bf. And the bf was about to fuck his first man who was about to die and seeked him out.

The seme said that he said he would fuck the man from a job standpoint but didn’t he quit being a call boy? So it makes no sense and it’s even worse that he’s being a hypocrite by getting mad about uke nearly sleeping with a woman and doing the same.

The story about the first man and seme was okay but not enough to justify the cheating. Ugh.

I’m still pissed off about the seme saying “why do I have to tell you about everything?” When the uke asked if he had sex with the man. He could’ve just told him this when uke first asked.

Gosh I dislike him so much. Haha. I remember reading this before and trying to justify what he did.

    Luvarts August 16, 2024 8:42 am

    I think when the the uke, they were just fuck-buddy and nothing more than that. After that, they established their relationship. And about the seme, yes the same as you I also don't understand. He said that the person personally asking for him, but stil, right? He quit. But we never know, since the person cancelled on him, we never know that maybe seme agreed to just meet and no fuck, since he would reunited with the person after a long time.