What was the point? Of all that

Hibikse moon May 25, 2024 2:34 am

What was the point of having a panel saying that gojo wasn't ready to pass on and what was the point having another panel saying he has some brain activity after being chopped in half. Just for them to remove his brain and put yuta in his body. You may as well have just fucking healed him and brought him back to the fight. Why is gege pulling shit out of his ass, he's worst than the creator of my hero.

    Alexa May 25, 2024 4:52 am

    Exactly! What was the point of the airport and the north, south thing? He could have just killed Gojo the shittiest way posible (which Gege DID, with that offscreen death) and that's it! What was the point of that scene? At the end they were just going to chop him off...

    Hibikse moon May 25, 2024 5:28 am

    It feels so lazy because on one hand he feels everyone being pissed with because he keeps killing beloved characters. But he also wants to do his own thing, and It’s really shitty because there is so many plots that will likely never be reached. For example, nobara hasn't been mentioned throughout this whole thing and megumi is effectively dead as far as I'm concerned. I love aoi todo but did have to kill choso just to being to bring too back? No he didn't l. Did he need to shove yuta into gojo, no he didn't. I understand he wants no in his story in his story to have plot armor, I understand but stand by your words if you to create such a story. That's all I'm saying

    Darksen May 25, 2024 9:28 am

    What happened in my hero that everyone mentions it like is some tragedy??

    Hibikse moon May 25, 2024 2:10 pm

    No it's the fact that out of nowhere and for no reason in particular Deku all of gets a fuckbton of powers. It was never nor was it properly get powers.

    Darksen May 27, 2024 12:59 am
    No it's the fact that out of nowhere and for no reason in particular Deku all of gets a fuckbton of powers. It was never nor was it properly get powers. Hibikse moon

    Ah ok that's true sadly