Are you kidding me? This is not an excuse. They
are not adults yet, but they are not kids neither. At this age, people are suppose to already have the maturity to learn when to disengage. I made my share of mistakes at their age, but I wasn't this stupid nor have I ever met someone like this. All this melodrama is forced as hell.

I guess I understand your perspectives but at this age relationships are MESSY. You're figuring stuff out, you're confused, maybe even lost. It's literally the age where you find and establish yourself. So even if their resolution is messy and head-ache inducing, I think there's a lot of merit to it and it makes these characters less 2 dimensional. I 100% agree that the author could've done it better and if I had the chance to change some things, I would. I can only hope that this leads to a more satisfying ending for both of them (maybe with realizing that this is wrong and trying to help each other become better not as lovers but as friends)
I'm Sorry what?! So their solution is to keep Sumika on her unriquited love for Kanoko and unable to move on because "it hurts to break up" and "being in love IS beautiful" even If you are not loved back so let's keep the status quo? Are you serious? That's the most childish philosophy I ever seen.
Yes, it hurts, but one of the aspects of life is hurting. You won't bê able to move on and get over this pain If you keep on poking the wound. Change is necessary for growth. Sumika was doing right in trying to break up. Yes, she was suffering, but that was necessary for her to grow. Nothing good comes in nurturing feelings you know will never be returned.
What happened to the writting in this series lately? It hás been complete garbage these past 10 chapters. It's like It's trying to glorify personal stagnation.