Emi is the "I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy" while Remi the type to embody the latter of the meme that goes: "Mf I would" and I love that for us!
Icky is not enough honestly. Imagine people you cared for going against you in the court of law, framing you for sumtn you didnt do the point your end wouldve been deportation to a nunnery (good end) and death sentence (bad end) were all your choices. She swerved away from multiple nukes: her scumbag incompetent fiance, traitor childhood friends, spinelessly blind family and more.
This story is a whole Nuclear Revenge-Malicious Compliance redditor's wet dream lolol
REMILIA AND EMI BEST GIRLS!!! I can’t wait to see this revenge plot unfold omg… Get ur revenge girlie!