ML literally could have had everything if he hadn’t been consumed by murderous jealousy....

Witchery May 24, 2024 1:22 am

ML literally could have had everything if he hadn’t been consumed by murderous jealousy. He would be a happy family with Rein if he hadn’t tried to kill Dietrich. They were never involved, dating, or engaged. They have always been platonic friends, but he just had to off him. His betrayal is what finally broke her down. She put all of her trust in him and chose to try to live a happy life with him. He’s the one who destroyed it all.

People talk about Rein being a terrible mother, and she is, but she wouldn’t have been if she hadn’t gone through such trauma. I believe she genuinely did the best she was capable of, and that’s how parenthood is when you have personal difficulties and trauma. Readers tend to expect mothers to automatically adopt a saint like devotion to their kid and parent perfectly within their means, but that’s not how it goes in reality. She is a traumatized person who was making a slow recovery when the person she trusted most betrayed her, and that trauma is attached to their child no matter how unfair it is to him. She knows that, but she can’t control the depth of her misery.

Having trauma doesn’t give you a free pass to neglect or abuse your kid, but I think readers are very harsh on any mother who isn’t presented as perfect. She wasn’t able to love him properly, but what alternative is there? She can’t change or control that feeling, so the only other option would be to put on a false persona and pretend to be a caring affectionate mother. Let’s not pretend that would be received well. She’s clearly trying to make sure he’s cared for even if she’s not heavily involved.

    Bri May 24, 2024 6:19 am

    Regardless, rein was a complete idiot constantly putting her friend above any meaningful interaction with wil. And wil was too toxic and obsessed with her. I truly feel like they were meant to just be in a messed up relationship to begin with. They are both truly repugnant.

    geshra May 24, 2024 6:54 am
    Regardless, rein was a complete idiot constantly putting her friend above any meaningful interaction with wil. And wil was too toxic and obsessed with her. I truly feel like they were meant to just be in a mess... Bri

    I agree, but also remember: Dietrich never trusted nor liked Wilhelm. Wilhelm saw him as as a threat because he was a threat. At least to his relationship with Rein.

    If Dietrich was amicable and brotherly, he (Wilhelm) probably wouldn't have tried to get him killed.

    Their relationship is actually better now that Dietrich has amnesia. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    I'm not condoning ML and FL. They're both awful in their own ways. But pre-amnesia Dietrich didn't help anything by being an overprotective turd nugget.

    Witchery May 24, 2024 2:41 pm

    Dietrich was overprotective because he got bad vibes from Wil, and what do you know, he did something terrible. Dietrich and Rein always made it clear both publicly and within their internal monologues that they never felt anything romantic for each other. They were close and loyal friends, but what could they do if people make assumptions? Dietrich outright stated that he didn’t like the look of Wil because he seemed to be u stable, violent, and lacked normal emotions. He thought he would cause problems. It was never about monopolizing Rein, but protecting her from a potentially unstable killer.

    He may have been strict, but he was never malicious and even told Wil that he didn’t like him, but he would help train him so he would be able to live proud as a knight of Luden. So there really wasn’t any reason for Wil to believe Dietrich was a physical threat to him, and not getting along with someone is a shit reason to arrange for their cold blooded murder. He tried to kill him because he was jealous of his friendship with Rein, and afterward he comforted her, allowing them to get closer. The incident happened because Wil has violent tendencies and was jealous. Dietrich being a friendly, accommodating doormat towards Wil wouldn’t have changed either of those things. It honestly just sounds like victim blaming.

    She even gave him a chance to confess when she first suspected it, but he lied, then he was still aggressive towards Dietrich when he returned, confirming his malice and lack of remorse. Rein did put Dietrich first sometimes, but she made it clear that Wil was her only lover. The instance that really hurt Wil was when she ran to his coffin without even acknowledging Wil’s return, but its obvious that mourning a close friend would mess someone up. Wil is the type who can’t seem to tolerate opposite sex friends. It’s not like they ever went on dates, they were discussing strategy and having casual conversation. Dietrich was her only friend, but judging by his character, he likely would have attempted to isolate her no matter what.