Can’t pick a team

Be0502007 May 24, 2024 12:49 am

I think instead of being team tj vs team Jo, the 3 of them should just date each other!!!! Team POLY FOR THE WIN

    lilac May 24, 2024 12:53 am

    It won’t happen but it would be nice. Anyway, the next chapter should be good

    GHOST May 24, 2024 1:10 am

    As someone who cares for TJ a lot due to personal reasons, I think he seriously needs a lot of work before any relationship, let alone a poly one.

    However, also as a polyamorous gay man, I would love to see that AFTER he becomes more stable. I doubt it will happen very seriously, but I am also very tired of these love triangle headaches haha. I think its very interesting to think of TJ and Jo having a dynamic within the polycule… wish more writers explored these things.

    LaNansha May 24, 2024 1:18 am

    I was hoping for that at someone point but this isn’t the route this story is taking, sadly.