I liked this scene so made these. Free to use if you please, just don't take credit ig http://imgur.com/a/i6GhU
They look so hot even if they got shot. Oh, my. (≧∀≦)(⌒▽⌒)
Exactly ^q^ I was going to colour it too but it looks good enough as it is
sooting in the wrong leg! I don't like it I'm a perfectionniste so it's bother me .
Nice. Did you use Photoshop, Manga Studio, or something else?
Thanks, and Photoshop. Didn't take too long but shame I couldn't fix the graininess. (I had to upscale to make it a wallpaper)
Just flip the image :)
I got them straight from the manga page, no flipping
I didn't check--I just mean if it's the wrong leg, we can fix that.
Wasn't knocking you, I have no idea what they meanIn fact I was confused because I planned on flipping Asami but didn't in the end
I know it's from the manga. some of vf fans said perhaps it's because of sensei assistant draftsman .
I liked this scene so made these. Free to use if you please, just don't take credit ig