Lmao the princess

Gin.cat May 23, 2024 10:40 am

I guess the princess is the righteous type with a savior complex. I mean it's not a bad thing but I'm srsly getting a massive ICK from that. It's a good thing Han is rational and his decision to re-do that mission is to gain more info and not to build a relationship with her. But I have a feeling its only going to develop her feelings of obsession with him. ICK hahaha

    thisislele May 23, 2024 12:06 pm

    this comment gave me a massive ICK

    Ryan May 29, 2024 8:44 pm

    What the sigma

    Koi!! May 30, 2024 7:01 am

    Don't ever cook again

    Stoopidity is also an illness~ June 3, 2024 7:26 am

    Y'know what's funny? You are actually kinda correct. I'm on chapter 249 of the novel right now and the princess is showing a huge dependance on Han that even Velkist noticed it, saying that Han needs to keep a distance from her or else sooner or later it will become a bother. Which is, Velkist is right since Han needs to separate his emotions from his missions and remember his real goal. It seems like the princess is slowly developing romantic feelings or already developed them for Hans. Either that or just overly dependent on Hans, which I hope is the latter. I kinda find her annoying but I understand her lol.

    Actually, the princess also says that she is useless, not being helpful at all. Hans didn't say anything as a response because he knows that is true and the princess always needed help from them (the heroes) so he chose to remain silent.

    Sometimes it surprises me how softhearted Hans/Loki is despite being rationally calm. I hope he realises and follows through what Velkist said, Velkist's instincts are better than what we might think.

    Stoopidity is also an illness~ June 3, 2024 7:28 am

    Btw there's more to it than her having a savior complex. It's more complicated than that and everything that happened isn't entirely her fault since the situation right now is more on the fact Priasis was tricked.

    P.s. I realised at some point I spelt Han as Hans lol, excuse me for that

    Gin.cat June 4, 2024 1:34 am
    Btw there's more to it than her having a savior complex. It's more complicated than that and everything that happened isn't entirely her fault since the situation right now is more on the fact Priasis was trick... Stoopidity is also an illness~

    Oh I didnt realize that she was going to actually be a "character" character? My whole comment was based on the idea that she is an NPC through and through. Most NPCs have a set job/personality to do, so it might have been a superficial take, but I looked at her as I thought she was, an NPC. "Who cares if they die? They're NPCs. They have to prioritize the survival of their team first", was my first thought. The rest of the townspeople are NPCs too cuz how else are they unable to interact with most of them unless for the mission and replay each floor like a game? So I stood by my first impression. Having wild takes and being proven completely wrong/right is what makes the reading experience fun after all. Anyway, I was hoping for a discussion, but instead managed to offend a fan club.

    Btw where do u read the novel? Are u saying it's not yet completed and we dont know how this ends yet? Cuz (and this is another wild take) if velkist had to step up and warn Han, I feel like someone might've died/gets severely wounded becuz of her. As it is with most "righteous" characters, It's a cliche thing but it happens.... (can u confirm or...?)