Um if he too is taken to the boat, what happens? His friend dies (and the dog too) or all ...

Hibou May 23, 2024 9:15 am

Um if he too is taken to the boat, what happens? His friend dies (and the dog too) or all 3 of them are stuck for eternity? Or until they die???

    Kaiya May 23, 2024 1:17 pm

    Whutt?? He didn't took the friend only him and some stuff... The boat is his where he hides the treasure (i think) and he said "Dont cling too much" he doesn't want to lose the guy so he just distance himself to him

    Hibou May 23, 2024 8:13 pm
    Whutt?? He didn't took the friend only him and some stuff... The boat is his where he hides the treasure (i think) and he said "Dont cling too much" he doesn't want to lose the guy so he just distance himself t... Kaiya

    Ouch I probably misinterpreted... From what I understood, when he loves and wants to protect something, he unconsciously
    sends them into the dimension with the boat. And it seems to me that at the end his friend tells him that yes, he wants to join these precious things and so they both are stuck on the boat