Guy ik that this site isn't about school and shit but i'm panicking right now since I'm mo...

Irxne May 23, 2024 4:07 am

Guy ik that this site isn't about school and shit but i'm panicking right now since I'm moving to a higher grade next year so like we have this thing called specialization where you pick garments, computering.cookery,automotive now I badly wanna pick garments since I'm passionate about designing clothes but I'm panicking cuz I also wanna pick computering cuz I want a better Future so pleas tell me what should I choose

    Emma May 23, 2024 4:15 am

    Maybe pick the thing you don't know much about, see if you like it and if not switch back to your comfort zone

    kaos May 23, 2024 4:23 am

    don't want this to sound cliche or corny but i think u should go w/ the garments one since u seem to like enjoy it and u would be more motivated to work on it through school. plus if u get really good at it im sure u could make pretty decent money (this is just my opinion and I might not fully understand the situation but hope this helpsss (⌒▽⌒) )

    Irxne May 23, 2024 4:36 am
    Maybe pick the thing you don't know much about, see if you like it and if not switch back to your comfort zone Emma

    I mean I can but I can't cuz once I pick smth I wouldn't be able to switch cuz it's not allowed in the school that I go to

    blonk May 23, 2024 4:42 am

    I would go with garments because that's your passion and there's probably benefit to classroom instruction. You'd probably have access to tools and stuff you don't have at home? There's tons of free online resources for learning computer stuff so you could do that on your own time if you really want to

    toyhana May 23, 2024 4:43 am

    depends on whether you value money or following your passion more

    May 23, 2024 5:18 am

    I would say follow you passion cuz studying something that you don't like or have any interest in can be quite tedious and frustrating in the long run but it is also important to check the quality of the course, ask around and see if your desired course have good teachers and curriculum

    gege May 23, 2024 5:23 am

    good luck trying to find a job in fashion design

    suburban girl May 23, 2024 5:53 am

    honestly trying to get a job with a computer science degree is so difficult right now i wouldn't recommend it unless you're really into coding. but you could try it if you really wanted to! do whatever you think would make you happiest ^_^

    Anita max wynn May 23, 2024 6:09 am

    Garments if you don’t like it you can always talk to your counselor to switch