this may be an unpopular opinion and I highly doubt the story will actually go this way but i really don’t think touma or sentarou are obligated to take care of meguru if she’s not their child. the whole “one of you HAS to take care of her” when likely neither is the father does not sit right with me bc no one is obligated to take care of anyone else’s child. it’s obvious ririko knew niether were her father. tbh you can tell niether of them WANT to be dads at the moment which who could blame them. them not wanting to be a parent doesn’t make either of them assholes. and ririko (and the grandmother) forcing her on them (with guilt trips) doesn’t mean that she will have a good childhood… in fact, forcing children on ppl who don’t want children usually means that child will not have a good childhood at all. like they are not even benefitting meguru either, like if ririko and the grandma really cared, they should be (shouldve in ririko’s case now) researching, interviewing and finding other ppl who are more fit to take care of meguru. i usually tolerate a lot on fiction, bc at the end of the day i know it’s not the real world and it doesn’t have to be that realistic but idk… the whole thing just feels like so many characters are being done wrong at every turn.. the writing is just making it seem like this is okay and i guess i just wish their was some form of acknowledgement that these men aren’t at all obligated to take care of her even if they do in the end. it’s be different if ririko knew they wanted kids and had their shit together etc.
anyways i know the story won’t turn out that way and regardless meguru will end up under their care no matter what but the way this went about just feels so wrong. the writing feels like it could be better in that regard. besides that tho, i do enjoy the boys relationship & meguru is really witty and cute.

this is just my theory but i think meguru left because she knew that she was being a burden to both of them and felt bad (after overhearing the talk w the grandma) and also i feel like theyll find out yakuza guy is father and then be like ‘yea we dont want her being raised by that’ and then theyll raise her together ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
okay so from my understanding, for now it’s being insinuated that the wakagashira knew ririko and is likely meguru’s (the little girl) father? and that he is the one who took her? I feel like that’s what’s being suggested at least…