I forgot what chapter, but like other users said. It's a rumor, but it was spread by other nobles. MC is a part of an infamous family, and his brother is rather treacherous and pushed his brother to the highest seat. The MC is withdrawn and hasn't socialized much. Rumor has it that he obtained the seat by sleeping his way around. The ML buys into it because of how sensual and pretty Otto is.

decided to reread it, other points to add: the main faith has promiscuous associations as the god of fertility. many nobles seem to indulge but spurn the ideology publicly. as the figurehead, Otto is rumored to indulge in adult parties but his religious duties actually prohibit stuff like parties.
his brother hasn't addressed these rumors, but they are being spread further out by cultists who want to denounce the religion.
and the ML really tapped that (Otto), and locked in his prejudice at the beginning because of the hostilities between the families/factions.
another minor point is that Otto's childhood friend, distantly related to Otto. is known for being promiscuous and hosting adult parties. (might be another rumor) when soliciting with other nobles he might have involved Otto's name, but it's unknown if it was done out of malicious intent.

First time reading, am at ch.8 and honestly.
This guy had one (1) dream about the pope ACTIVELY proselytizing the crowd and was kinda speedrunning through
- worry
- critical thinking?
- conclusion
In essence, he could have just asked but then again, he was busy NOT wearing protection while making out with the pope and apparently "get to know your FWB" wasn't on his list at all
Did the seme think the uke had sex with others or some shit?