didn't he knock out the person who tied him up? And if you have experienced immense pressure you would know why the mc was being a "pushover" and i totally agree with what you mean by it's annoying looking at someone not standing up for themself but let's recap elementary school because clearly you did not pay attention and clearly you didn't care about the morals being taught, so what if you were experiencing immense pressure from your superior and you are currently not in the position to defend for yourself because you know that, that same superior was the only person who ever recruited you when you were unemployed and is currently the only person paying your salary. Would you still stand up for yourself when you are being pushed around from him? No you wouldn't because you aren't in the position to. So in summary of what i said and the reason on why i mentioned elementary was the obvious answer "What would you do if you were in his shoes" (minus the fact that he had someone there for him). So let me ask you something. Would you still be able to call him a pushover even though i know you didn't read this entire thing? If you dare say yes, you didn't experience it and therefore you stand no right saying that because you have never experienced it. Now, good day to you and i hope you walk on lego bricks

Just because a person is grateful doesn't mean they should bear all the toxicity and abuse gritting your teeth in awful workplace with coworkers who hates you because your good at your job to the point where it would cause serious mental distress to this person. Moreover he was physically harmed, morally degraded, spiritually crushed and most importantly he is doing work that is below his paycheck. It's a matter of common sense. He's smart and competent I don't see any reason why he couldn't take legal measures in suing that useless company or find a better job with a stable environmental workspace. So yeah he's a dumb pushover and I feel so sorry for you if you ever experienced the same situation at your job because you didn't have the guts to defend yourself. The last time that happened to me, my co-workers and I won a lawsuit and got off with 50k dollars taking account for mental and emotional damages plus the full payment of our salary that was delayed for 6 months and now I'm in a better company with great benefits so yeah my day is always great and i hope you get hit by a bus

well good for you but there is something with your statement that he doesn't have "good coworkers" he didn't have that so he had no one to help him with him being a pushover instead they helped him become and even more pushover so there that's the difference you and him have (of course minus the fact that he had his bf w him bc at that time they were nothing more than sex partners) and i am so glad you found a safe place to work

U're so stupid I am questioning god why he even made u. He had a fcking trauma un elem that lead him unable to stand up for himself because not once were there somebody defending him and he was afraid that if he won't tolerate his shitty director's action anymore, no one would also help him and just blame him like what people did to him in elem. It's a fucking trauma can't you get it? T-R-A-U-M-A. There I spelled it out for you now search it up and see what it actually is so at that one fucking braincell of urs start working. U're very much invalidating what he was feeling. Can't you just understand that not all people are mentally and emotionally strong? U stupid ass shit hope u get mentally unwell

i now know that you are a sensitive mother fucker who cannot learn from responses go cry to ur fucking mommy because your grades in school are fucking dumpster shit and the fact that nobody agrees with you and the fact the internet would rather be in a room with a bear than a men like you so go to a stfu because you clearly don't know shit

Excuse me? Some random bitch cursing me out for no good reason and I'm sensitive? Are you brain-dead? Go die in a ditch. Your second rate education failed you. Does it sound like I give a shit whether people agree with my opinion or not?. There is no way I'm gonna let instigating insults against me slide. I fight back harder. Clearly your common senses rotted from reading too much gay porn much like the character that I pointed out. Go suck a real dick or something maybe that would wake you up and bitch this isn't even about the topic anymore so the STFU and get a job and with so much toxic people on the internet clearly you being one of them I would gladly be in a room with a bear lmao.

i just love the fact that you didn't get the story or what the commenter said to you but it only makes me realize that you are fucking stupid and that your mom failed to raise you properly so you can't even say that it was lame because you are sad and pathetic person who didn't learn anything from what we said and took it as a form lf "lemme just not learn or read what that person said and take what they said to my ass and write a completely offensive text and reply because i'm stupid" type of thing.

Oh your still talking and clearly your a failure of a human being who can't comprehend how I reiterated that this isn't about the plot anymore and it's about the moron who was being rude with me but you didn't to see the point apparently cuz your a fucking idiot. Good to know one of God's defective creations still exist. "Oh hold up lemme defend the person above who was unnecessarily insulting the other person for disliking a character". All I learned from this is how fatherless behaviour made you into an dick eating idiot. Just like the character you have 0 common sense whatsoever. Hah No wonder. Your parents should just disposed of you at the inception stage. The world doesn't need more cancerous toxicity than it's already dealing with. I'll say it again. You are sad, lame and pathetic. Get a job and life.

Hi! I’m unaffiliated in this convo in general but I do wanna give some heads up to be culturally aware of the workplace and environment that Korea has!
I think how Ha Juwon acted appropriately, but I totally get what you mean about advocating for yourself! It’s a very important skill I learned while doing internships and working in a human services profession!
Though I think being culturally aware of the differences between Korea and other workplaces are important! My uncle actually got fired and blacklisted for hire from a bunch of companies because he didn’t want to participate in going to basically a brothel with his coworkers and boss ahaha, and that was a simple work desk job too!
Just thought to share some of my experiences and what my family has gone through with the difficult and harsh job environment that Korea can have sometimes!

Lemme guess, you are not culturally aware about korea's work culture? If not, go educate yourself, if you did, go educate yourself again. The fuck you saying that someoen is cursing you when you're the first one who cursed someone else who is educating your goddamn tiny ass brain. You're another one of those bitches who whine and complain about "Oh the second couple is better" Just because they showed up for one chapter they are better? What about the ones who had to go through development? Did your dumb brain didn't comprehend how real relationship starts and make a person grow? Maybe you aren't in a relationship yet to experience that, and by God if you do, i hope that person who dates you has common sense and knock some sense into you. Let me get this straight to you, Mr. Ha can defend himself just fine, but if you read the story right and remembered that he has a FUCKING TRAUMA, TRAUMA BITCH GET THAT RIGHT INTO YOU COCOON OF A BRAIN. You think it's that easy? YOU TELL ME! DID YOU EXPERIENCE IT YOURSELF? And if you educated yourself about Korea's work culture, YOU CAN'T DEFEND YOURSELVES TO HIGHER UPS BECAUSE THAT IS EASY AS GETTING YOURSELF FIRED YOU MF DUMBASS, GTFO OF HERE
Ugh pushover bitch.. I dislike MC who can't stand up for themselves when they're being tested worse than shit. The second couple was better