Just Some Thoughts

MonaLisaKindaLISA May 22, 2024 5:30 am

I know that most of us are here for the father and daughter’s wholesome bonding moments. But I think that we’re forgetting the fact that they’re basically strangers before her regression.

Yeon’s father was absent in her life in the previous timeline. She needed to be regressed, for her to be the one to take the initiative to reach out to her father. For them to have the relationship that they have now. From what I remember, they both thought that the other person hated them.

As a parent, Yeon’s father should’ve taken the first step to communicate with her, even if he thinks that his daughter hates her. At least talk to her first, before making any conclusions. So that they can resolve any misunderstandings or problems they have with each other. He should’ve also shown Yeon that there is someone in their household that she can trust. Someone that can make her feel comfortable, safe, and loved.

I’m not going to blame Yeon’s father too much. As the current him is up there when it comes to being a father in a father and daughter manhwa. I just think that he doesn’t know how to be a good parent, or be a parent just in general before. But I think that it’s also a given to interact with your child. And show and make them feel that you care as a parent.

I don’t know what was my point of writing all of this. I guess that it’s the parents’ job to guide and be present, more so in their child’s early life. Good for Yeon and his father to have the chance to fix their relationship. But we don’t have that kind of opportunity in real life. We just regret and only think of “what if” when it’s too late.

    Maroochi May 25, 2024 5:28 pm

    Agreed. And i feel that way abt a lot of dads/parents in these manhwas. And i always consider that these are popular bc;

    Its common for people <esp asian counties> to think that if they were just a better child it would change their parents for the better. Its common for them to shoulder the burden of emotion neglect and generational trauma. These stories are a reflection of those experience and the happy family dynamic theyre writing that are a result of the kid taking on those same burdens are what the writers, and many ppl who go through that, wish they were rewarded with for carrying that heavy load. It is simply that they dont understand true unconditional love.

    I think its never adressed that the parent was neglectful bc a lot of asian countries and many ppl in western countries still dont like to hold parents accountable because theyre stuck in the 'they did their best' mindset. They think that ignorance of a situation is a good reason and an excuse for neglect.

    'I will Master this Family' shows a pretty good example of a parent doing their absolute best and it being the environment and situation that led to ruin.

    'Karina's Last Days' is a great example of parents having to accept accountability for their ignorance and neglect.

    Honestly had they just allowed the MC to feel some resentment and her sorting those feeling, maybe her having a tiny heart to heart with her dad abt how he makes her feel lonely even though she knows he is trying to save her, would add so much depth alone. Bc he was gone for a good reason but that doesnt take away the hurt he unintentionally caused.

    Thats some of my thoughts, sorry its so long. (´*`)