Lmao why are the comments full of hate? This yalls first toxic BL? 😅 As a veteran this ...

cocobunny May 22, 2024 2:58 am

Lmao why are the comments full of hate? This yalls first toxic BL? As a veteran this plot was pretty predictable, I’ve seen this exact dynamic many times in old BLs from like the 00’s. Relax yall. I understand its not your cup of tea but no need to bash it

    Ritsu October 5, 2024 8:34 pm

    if it sucks it sucks bruh were all veterans here i swear you're not that special

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ December 26, 2024 11:58 am

    Actually it's not worst people just doesn't like it seme is straight playboy who got with uke by blackmailing him out of curiosity but rating is really dropping lol I kinda like it myself

    lococo February 5, 2025 3:35 pm

    hell no people are throwing around the veteran card in here too? anyway, yeah there are way too many stories with these plots, I adore them but this was pure trash what are you even defending this for? honestly another 1 or 2 chapters more before the seme asked him out would have saved this, a bit of self reflection but alas would your veteran brain understand that?