So I like the story overall, but the main characters are so illogical. They are contracted...

Witchery May 22, 2024 1:34 am

So I like the story overall, but the main characters are so illogical. They are contracted on the premise that she must have a child. The whole point was that her bloodline might be capable of giving birth to a draconian without dying (unlike normal women). If she doesn’t prove pregnancy or give birth, she will be executed by the king. They lied about it already, which means they would need to fake a miscarriage while trying for a real baby in the meantime. I get that he’s afraid she’ll die from it, but she will die no matter what if she doesn’t show results. So he refuses to touch her at all, doesn’t announce a miscarriage, and she’s just walking around thin af when she’s supposed to be 3 months pregnant. He’s basically sabotaging any chances she has of freedom or survival while making it harder to hide their secret.

    simsim May 23, 2024 11:03 pm

    that's what im saying bruh like you need to be practical how the hell is she supposed to stay alive at this rate! At least try to make her clothes more loose or something to fake it..

    iamb May 24, 2024 12:13 am


    Kenta May 24, 2024 1:05 pm

    That's exactly what I was thinking. What is he waiting for ? Or did he have a back up plan ? Will we fake her death and let her go ? It doesn't seem plausible if we look at his actions so far... I am getting bored...

    asmiir_ May 31, 2024 3:13 am

    But the whole premise is that he doesn’t realize the power behind her body and dreams yet.. he’s just realizing the origins of her magic let alone if she has protective measures in place..

    Not to forget, she herself doesn’t know if she’ll make it through too.. she knows the magic and its points but fails to realize its entire scope

    And y’all expecting abused and or an emotionally constipated couple to make inroads into their relationship that quick?

    Especially a couple paired through the conquest of war

    Witchery May 31, 2024 4:05 am

    We don’t expect the relationship to make rapid progress, but if she doesn’t show signs of pregnancy within a year, she will be executed by the king. By refusing to engage or sleep with her, he’s basically wasting time and making it more likely that she won’t be able to get pregnant before the deadline

    Riki June 8, 2024 11:28 pm

    Well the preview did show she will get pregnant and then run away , I think the slow pace is to build up the romance for the audience to love the couple , I am more exited to know what is behind her brother and what is that magic circle on her back , and how her loving a half dragon affects her and if her brother is alive or not .... cant wait for updates (▰˘◡˘▰)