This site and it’s obsession with throwing around the word grooming jesus

Cerealgirl May 21, 2024 8:14 pm

Like, did you all miss the part where the affections grew gradually on Mizuki’s part. At first he just saw Akari as a helpless child who needed someone to lend their shoulder to cry on but as they spend more and more time together he grew attracted to Akari because Akari was making moved on Mizuki not the other way around.

I was going to say something about how sad it was for Akari when he realised Sato was serious about Mikami bcs he probably realised he had a crush on Sato but didn’t make a move on him because he was straight but nah y’all ruined my mood. Now im defending a fictional character who in the real world wouldn’t exist bcs i cannot imagine a relationship like this existing between a minor and an adult without being creepy or coercive.

Im literally mizukis age and frankly i can’t imagine dating a teen but that doesn’t mean i cant take fiction for what it is, fictional.

Yall don’t understand what’s grooming at all, do you? Look it up. Its literally gaslighting and isolating someone and coercing them into sex whether the person understood or not. I didn’t see this here, did you?
