Lmaooo wtffff

Luluri May 21, 2024 10:51 am

I know I just wrote a comment complaining during the last batch of chapters posted, but with this new batch they really are speed running to a half-assed ending. They really wrapped it all up in a chapter, lmfao. And her whole running away from the palace stint lasted less than a chapter. tf was even the point if we don't even see any development of them pining while she's gone?! It was literally her leaving, all sad, we get one little scene on a dock with absolutely no decent dialogue, told he visited a few times (???) and she decided to go back. Lmfao I'm just laughing at the complete absurdity. The author just really didn't know what they were doing with this story. Seems like they have a talent for writing interesting premises and beginnings, & not being able to follow through with a even half decent story or conclusions. The whole empress storyline is just hilarious. What even happened to the bird. Lmfao, once again, why use the premise of talking to animals, when theres literally like maybe 10 chapters at the beginning where she actually does, and then the author just says fuck it. What even was the plot lol
