
Ichinisan May 21, 2024 7:41 am

Zhenya is a bitch, a bastard, an asshole, a monster, I would protecting my Zainka from that monster if I could, but I would never complained nor attacking the author for her to write something like this. This is something that I've know since beginning that this kind of story will never be like a your usual rainbow, so I expected it to be dark.

Enjoying the story, the fantasy, the fiction like this doesn't mean I'm an asshole nor that I enjoy this kind of acted in real life.

We know the differences between fantasy and reality.

So if you don't like just step out from this, unsubscribe, and forget everything about this as if it never exist. Because I'll tell you, after Taekjoo's revenge, the rainbows you expect will not coming for a long time, though for some of us, including me, most of Ajinoki arc tbh is so cute, not dark like chapters 40-44
