I'm sure they won't change it. Here's some spoilers I read some time ago in the comments:
Apparently he will eventually have a romantic interest, but this character will be in a similar situation as him: looks young/physical body is young, the person is actually much older. So yeah, I doubt he'll change the way he's viewing the other women, as for him, they must seem more like girls.
This is one of the few action series with a male MC where female characters aren't particularly sexualised, and while they are in the minority in terms of overall characters, we get to see them treated/depicted p equally to the male characters (except for getting beat up, but that I can understand knowing how conservative Korean society still is). I hope this change I've started to see in action series could have to do with people finally acknowledging that other than men enjoy this genre and we like seeing characters being treated equally, no matter if it's a man, woman, or neither. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
and from what I always see people complain about harems and romance, pretty sure the average reader is sick of it as well (at least I'm confident in saying a part of their dislike is thanks to the poor writing of female characters overall in the genre, making any romance meh as well - I have confidence that the series that treat female characters fairly equally to the male characters, if they have romance at all, they do it well.)
Sorry for the tangent lol ( ̄∇ ̄")
I love how mc kept seeing the younger girls as his grandchild and no weird or creepy development at all. I hope they keep it that way