I'm back to reading and I've mellowed out after a day lol.
Trauma is definitely a sensitive subject but I just expressed that I was just so frustrated seeing all those people who hurt MC not only in close proximity to her but also in positions of power and are trusted by her family. The amount of cases like these where the abvser is highly trusted and the abvse goes on under their loved ones noses even through years is appalling. It just made me remember some and I felt uncomfortable.
Though I can't really tell how each person handles their trauma, I for one wouldn't mind airing some out. Especially if that includes me being physically, emotionally and mentally abvsed.
Yes, this is my bias and opinion as a reader because I have my own experiences and others have theirs. I was simply looking at MC's situation and thought "what would I have done if I was her?" We all have done that at least once in our lives as readers. At least I THINK so.
It is my opinion and bias that I would have liked to at least see them communicating frankly and honestly with each other to avoid misunderstandings. Most authors love to use misunderstandings as a comedic effect, for sympathy or fanservice but I simply DON'T like it if it's dragged on too much. Hence I said milking dry a cow's udder. That is all
Thankfully they're gonna get what's coming to them and I'm hopeful it ends within 82 chapters
It was my OPINION (cue the meme) and I just wanted to see them less in the story. Thank you for reading my TED-talk
I'm on chapter 26 right now and I'm getting so frustrated by how long they're dragging this out. I don't feel so good reading about child abvse and I wish they could resolve and deal with the people immediately.
Like why can't she just say why she left in the first place? There may be other reasons that I'm not seeing right now due to annoyance but CAN'T THEY JUST BE TRUTHFUL?
This is why I fking hate people who goes around the bush instead of saying it straightforwardly. "They treated me badly, didn't feed me at times, they all called me halfling and told me that I was a bad child that no one wanted. Not even my father"
See? gawd I hate these kinds of works who loves milking the sympathy of viewers. We do have sympathy but if it keeps on getting milked even cow udders run dry. Why not human sympathy?
Any spoilers as to when those aunt and count? (the long haired guy) get their just deserts at least? I feel like it's the common trope of smart people being dumb again. I hate that.
Will still keep on reading probably? I don't have enough patience to continue rn