Doing that doesn’t mean it wasn’t rape?
For example think of how the other person mentioned martial rape. people may still live with their spouses, sleep next to them, etc. and that doesn’t mean it wasn’t rape. If it wasn’t consensual, it wasn’t consensual. Not all victims react the same way.
And yes it’s fiction, so the real explanation behind all the characters actions is because that’s what the author wanted them to do.

This might be the WORST opinion I've ever seen on this website,first of all there's a clear power imbalance in their relationship he was raised by redheads mom and he's scared their family is gonna torn apart if their relationship turns into a romantic one THIS fact already indicates he cares about their family more than the sex then he asked him to stop and pushed him away? Does it magically becomes consensual just because he came? İf you visit sa victims forums there's a lot of discussion about how the victims feel guilty that they felt pleasure or cum from their rape does that make these victims not sa victims magically?
Our bodies have many instincts and many of our bodily fluids are out of our control,just because his body reacted that doesn't make it okay to rape him i can go on and on but it's obvious you don't have any argument other than "it's fiction" not very surprised
Y’all are crazy Ngl . Y’all talking of raping like are we all reading the same comic ? Did you guys see Eun screaming for help like he is been raped ? Baek forces the sex bcz it’s very sure that he likes Eun and Eun himself has always been submissive towards baek bcz he must like him too . There is no rape here , y’all get real and stop acting like Mary saints on gay comic.