I honestly know how to respond to this I mean, the guy did suffer in a sense, the only thing that bothered me was how badly of men he was talking about, even if I’m some senses it was true. Men and women suffer — even if it’s differently. Like — The Wife suffered in protecting and carrying their baby, all worth it in the end . The guy — idk, he showed his support to her, we would not see how he suffered at all since this was only 10 chapters focused on the wife ( ). We won’t see how they suffer even after this. IDKKKK! I just love it either way. If you wanna see a guy suffer through birth either read those ABO Yaoi whatever mangas or watch a documentary on Sea Horses since male seahorses give birth to a thousand babies at a time
I love babies & the story but it TRIGGERS my female rage so bad why only women?? I don’t give a shit if he’s the best husband in the world, why only women suffer? Nothing men do is ever close to enough and they need to at least have self awareness that they’re not doing shit