I really like the story though I feel bad for other guy he just got cheated on. but other ...

alrkitty February 11, 2017 12:51 am

I really like the story though I feel bad for other guy he just got cheated on. but other than that I really liked the story. wonder when chapter 3 will come out?

    Anonymous May 10, 2017 5:49 pm

    I don't think they're n a relationship. It seems more like Akira just loves the MC's big dick. He comes by every few days or weeks for a ride then leaves. If anything it seems like he's n a relationship with the MC's dick not the MC.

    arielle_ May 20, 2019 11:55 pm

    How did he cheat he never said they were in a relationship

    Mokha December 13, 2019 9:39 am

    they more like sex friend than a couple, so no one get cheated here