Some may not like the ending but

Kou May 19, 2024 5:35 pm

I like the ending. Why? I kind of see Yijun helping Sekye now that they accepted each other’s flaws. Yijun can help Sekye through his therapy and Sekye can support Yijun’s acting career.

Not all relationships have to be perfect. What’s the point of being perfect when you don’t know each other’s flaws and mistakes? If the world is not perfect, why expect a relationship to be one?

Yes Sekye has issues but he’s healing now even when Yijun wasn’t there with him for the past few months. That’s already a huge character development from him.

I’m excited for the side stories, I hope we get to see how they are a year or few years later!

    Bobthebuilder May 21, 2024 12:22 pm

    EXACTLY! I'm actually SO happy for themm(≧∀≦)