i’m at ch 11

august May 19, 2024 12:31 am

fuck heesoo. why is he so petty? he would be out of my house if he did that to me..

    marsmelluv May 19, 2024 7:50 pm

    you dare to say that about hee seo?? tae kyung is a two faced lying shit his family ruined his and his mom’s life!! he owes everything to hee seo

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 6:49 am
    you dare to say that about hee seo?? tae kyung is a two faced lying shit his family ruined his and his mom’s life!! he owes everything to hee seo marsmelluv

    Maybe not everything but he deserves a beating

    marsmelluv May 20, 2024 7:30 am
    Maybe not everything but he deserves a beating HRAensn

    girl just put yourself in hee seo’s shoes. tae kyung let her mother live her best life for 7 fckn years even after he found out abour her mrdr.. he’s the real red flag of this manhwa. atp both characters are so unlikeable

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 7:39 am
    girl just put yourself in hee seo’s shoes. tae kyung let her mother live her best life for 7 fckn years even after he found out abour her mrdr.. he’s the real red flag of this manhwa. atp both characters ar... marsmelluv

    Her? Hehe.and yeah but I’m saying he didn’t deserve the rape, that’s it. As for the other shit, he deserves it and I won’t hate Heeseo for that

    marsmelluv May 20, 2024 10:44 am
    Her? Hehe.and yeah but I’m saying he didn’t deserve the rape, that’s it. As for the other shit, he deserves it and I won’t hate Heeseo for that HRAensn

    i was rage texting and english is my third language so cry about it and hee seo didn’t rape tae kyung?? tae kyung literally let him do it but idc bcz as i said i think both characters are unlikable to me

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 1:58 pm
    i was rage texting and english is my third language so cry about it and hee seo didn’t rape tae kyung?? tae kyung literally let him do it but idc bcz as i said i think both characters are unlikable to me marsmelluv

    No need to be passive aggressive. Was just talking and I’m pretty sure it was rape cause Taekyung was literally forced down in the earlier chapters and the bathroom scene in the tub