This is a serious author sure all those other moments where main characters were raped in those other stories could have been way off the plot and stupid but it makes sense for this because the guy was crazy in love with him from literally like the first few episodes and now you also have them having discord with them so it makes sense that there is a high chance of them raping him sure it's not something that you want nor something that you want to see but it's a real thing although yes I do wish that this isn't the route that the author went for I kind of wish that silas stopped them beforehand but nothing we can do besides hope Silas ruins their life

Responding to the two people above - why did the SA have to be shown on screen so blatantly? The point could’ve been gotten across without explicitly showing what happened to Arthur. Showing everything on screen blatantly with this presentation is fetishising the assault whether you like it or not.
A serious author who cares about sexual assault and rape would know to cut away in these moments. Show us Arthur’s internal dialogue, we can even see snippets of what the men are saying to him, but don’t actually show what is being done to him. This retains his dignity as a victim, still shows us the horror he’s feeling and doesn’t risk humanising the assaulters (we did not need to know how fast they came or how attractive they find him).
Plus, it would be so easy for the men who did this to say to the police that Arthur came so surely it wasn’t assault (which is a thing a rapist would say despite an orgasm obviously not being consent) etc. That way the author can show how vile these men are without showing it all on screen. You don’t lose any impact by not showing it is what I’m saying.
As viewers, we are viewing Arthur through the gaze of his assaulters rather than through his own eyes. It’s a dehumanising lens to see him through and is not the way you should be portraying victims of rape and/or sexual assault if you are trying to take the topic seriously
I thought this was a serious author, didn't think she was going to add one of those disgusting assault scenes that plague webtoons. Lesson learned, no need to form a good image of the author till the webtoon is complete.