some of yall in the comment section really can't handle psychological stories and it SHOWS...

fenisme May 18, 2024 3:20 pm

some of yall in the comment section really can't handle psychological stories and it SHOWS. not everything will always be all sunshine and rainbows especially for people who are both heavily traumatized and still haven't fully recovered from it. on top of that they're still teenagers too, it's obvious they won't behave like a mature adults (like some of y'all expect them to do). i also hate how you guys just don't have anything else to say than "they're too toxic to date, they need therapy". have we not seen at the very beginning of the manwha how therapy didn't help skylar AT ALL and he only started getting better when he stopped attending it? therapy won't always solve everything. and i also think that saying they're too toxic to date is such a hurtful thing to say about mentally ill people... they're not "too toxic" they're traumatized teenagers with problems. but do u guys really think they WANT to hurt each other like that? they're both trying their best at becoming better people, and they truly love each other, but they still need time (and each other). they've barely just started dating after all. if u guys think that breaking up will be the best for them then you're wrong. they don't want to be separated from each other, they want to be happy together. but for this to happen they still need to communicate, talk and understand each other which im sure will come with time

    Joybug May 18, 2024 3:58 pm

    Yeah I think the main thing is just communicating. I think they are both dealing with their own trauma and insecurities but the other party doesn't know the full extent of what they are going through.

    Psyche May 18, 2024 4:11 pm

    Yeah like, you don't have to read it if it's not your cup of tea. Psychology stories delve into the characters' inner thoughts and "demons" and miscommunication is used a lot to highlight the gap between what the characters' say vs what they actually feel, driven by fear, past trauma, or just the difficulty of expressing themselves clearly. That's what makes these stories good

    BeeHive May 18, 2024 4:35 pm


    Kichi May 18, 2024 4:43 pm

    Well said

    -hoeforhange- May 18, 2024 4:57 pm

    I think you're taking it too simple (not the right word) while the ones you're criticizing are making it even more complicated. Physical emotional and verbal abuse isn't a relationship that can be solved by just communication. They will hurt each other and then they'll make up. They will maybe heal together or it will worsen. See it's difficult to communicate and understand when you can't think clear. They're both affected by their past and present. I really like the characters and the story. But let's not pretend like a break up would be the worst possible thing to happen to them. I want them both to be healthy to themselves first and their relationship next. Can we just agree to disagree and see what goes down instead?

    Missmimina May 18, 2024 5:32 pm

    THANK YOU! The best comment I've read since 101 dropped.

    key May 18, 2024 8:51 pm

    woa I love you