*cracks knuckles* ...ok so
Chapter 64 MC and ML met up in a Cafe then the copy-paste mother of ML made a sudden appearance bcs MC set it up for them to hopefully make up 'n shiz. ML leaves after a few moments and then MC runs after him which caused ML to snap and then kiss MC in the middle of the ducking streets with a buncha people surrounding 'em so like they both hurt e/o that day.
BUT HERE'S THE SHIT THAT BURNS THE ASS MORE... After MC ran away bcs people saw 'n whispered, THE FKING DEER-DINNER HAIRED DUDE APPEARED after seeing MC sitting alone at night after a ducking appointment I do not care about. Offered him a place to stay and MC AGREED BECAUSE WHAT OH WHAT'S WRONG WITH SLEEPING AT MY EX-SEX-FRIEND's HOUSE KNOWING MY LOVER WOULD BE UPSET IF HE KNE?? It's totally okay guys he only has abandonment issues! I don't wanna go home yo confront and fix the problem with my lover so yaaaa imma sit my ass on my ex-sex-friend's house and yap about my problems.
THEN IDEK I THINK SEAWEED-HAIR DUDE SAID STUFF THAT SHOOK MC 'N SHIZ. 'coz that dude craycray and a bitch idk man like go away... MC continued to sleep at his house without contacting ML ^<^)9 I LOVE THEM SO COUPLE GOALS!!!!!
Then MC went home, ML hugged and apologized first, MC didn't apologize even tho he was the one who triggered the fight in the first place... they had "make-up sex" and... uh.. cue to the 2nd couple for like 2-3 chapters where they banged in the end.
Then the last 2 current chapters of the raws, MC... freakin' gave ML's contact number (from what I read in the comments) to the mum without his consent yet again........ last 2 panels they having a mid-off by standing there and staring at each other bcs yep.. we're gonna do the yapper boombayah (fight fight fight fight)
goddamn the raws EVERYBODY'S hating on MC lmfao AND IT ANNOYED ME TF UP TOO LIKE WTFFF what happened to his characterization.............................. the fact that he didn't even apologize for his actions too and THEN proceeded to do it again... I get that he's doing it for ML but it won't erase the stuff he went thru by forcing him to interact with his absent mum. I'M LOSING MY HAIRLINE ┻┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵┻┻