As someone who started reading this when it first came out, I can say with confidence that it is worth it. Even though it's super long and they really stretched it out, the author did such a good job with everything imo. The whole thing did a 180°, deadass. I kid you not. The assault at the beginning doesn't last the entire manga, I promise.

(small details which might be spoilers)
im at ch40 (?) and im still struggling like everything's affecting me the wrong way,,,a whole lot of the starting chapters are assaults, abuses, dubcon bdsm, non-consensual things and i hate it hhhh i was so uncomfortable so skipped most of it but i think taka (?) has some trauma (?) i haven't read far but he was jittery talking with his mom on phone so,,, but still trauma dumping on yuu, and yuu being forced to accept his abuse, then acting like nothing big happened idk like i can't really understand how yuu is not mortified, and there's some degree of stockholm syndrome, and rn taka is feeling quite guilty,,,, and they're trying to understand each other so,,,,,I'll see what happens, but i just can't forget the abuse and trauma that yuu was subjected to :(
i....i just....good lord the assault in the beginning was so uuuuuuhhh it put me off ugh i can't proceed when it starts in such a way,,,,, but like can anyone give me a blurb if it's worth reading?