Chiaki May 18, 2024 7:34 am

I'm at chapter 16 and beyond mad at the rating.
Like the story and narration is good, the art is unique too but the characters are utter garbage
Like he separated from his toxic ex to get with another toxic guy? Wtf
Do we get a third ML? Otherwise I'm calling bullshit.
Does this get better?? Seeing the comment, I guess not.
Both ML feel like creepy old men, the act kind to get in your pants.
Unfortunately I've met some of those guys before, they're kind and manipulate you over time until they start touching you once you're alone together and it's literally the worst kind of feeling.
So why 9,4...I was excited for a good Manhwa
Frick you guys.

    sanyong May 19, 2024 2:37 pm

    because many peoeple enjoy the psychological aspects and its done very well wdym a high rating doesnt automatically mean its wholesome why are you blaming the people that rated it LMAO just read the reviews before you start a story next time

    Mimiko23 May 19, 2024 4:46 pm

    Because the story is actually good and interesting to read. Just because the characters are fucked up doesn‘t make it bad. Also the way that Jiwhan worms his way into Sooyoungs life and slowly starts manipulating every aspect of his day to day is written really well and more compelling than the stories where the male lead is just an asshole psycho from the beginning. It’s supposed to make you feel uncomfortable while reading

    Chiaki May 19, 2024 5:43 pm
    because many peoeple enjoy the psychological aspects and its done very well wdym a high rating doesnt automatically mean its wholesome why are you blaming the people that rated it LMAO just read the reviews bef... sanyong

    When did I say: high rating = wholesome? Lol
    Like I enjoy a good story with psychological aspects but these characters are just terrible, that's an opinion many seem to share in the comments.
    Have your own, that's fine and take a joke, I'm not blaming the people who rated this, no need to be sensitive about it.

    Chiaki May 19, 2024 5:47 pm
    Because the story is actually good and interesting to read. Just because the characters are fucked up doesn‘t make it bad. Also the way that Jiwhan worms his way into Sooyoungs life and slowly starts manipula... Mimiko23

    That's fair, I can see why you'd enjoy this and the story isn't bad.
    I just wanted to share my opinion and my comparison to creepy old men doesn't seem far off based on your comment. It's very uncomfortable indeed.

    sanyong May 20, 2024 4:18 am
    When did I say: high rating = wholesome? LolLike I enjoy a good story with psychological aspects but these characters are just terrible, that's an opinion many seem to share in the comments. Have your own, that... Chiaki

    wholesome as in healthy relationship fuckwit you said you disliked how he left a toxic guy to be with another toxic guy and were therefore surprised about the rating being a 9.4 it isnt hard to understand why i said that. if it was terrible it wouldnt have a 9.4 rating LMAO the psychological aspects are literally why most people are reading this and part of the psychology in this is how insane jihwans thought process is and how unpredictable he can be which is entertaining why people like it. i cant tell if you’re trying to say “terrible” as in awful people are awfully written so i have nothing to say regarding that. your comment also just didnt read as a joke to me so i didnt take it as one its that simple lmao a lot of bl comment sections are brainrot because of how brain dead certain bl readers can be so its hard to tell who’s being serious some people actually get mad when the ratings are high but it doesnt suit THEIR taste so they act like everyone who likes it has bad taste

    Chiaki May 20, 2024 6:01 am
    wholesome as in healthy relationship fuckwit you said you disliked how he left a toxic guy to be with another toxic guy and were therefore surprised about the rating being a 9.4 it isnt hard to understand why i... sanyong

    My comment says "the story and narration is good" lol
    No wholesome isn't the same as a healthy relationship.
    A healthy relationship can be wholesome in the right story setting but you can also have a tragic story where a healthy relationship develops. Both don't need to be present at the same time.
    And like I said, I enjoy psychological stories but I don't enjoy these characters, plain and simple.
    Many agree that the ML is toxic, at least what I've seen so it's surprising how the rating is that high because it's usually the more ambiguous/tragic or healthy relationships that get this kinda rating while outright toxic Tops drag it down.
    It's not "terrible" itself, I dislike the ML mainly and going from one toxic guy to the next doesn't feel great to read. I get the intriguing aspect to read this but it's frustrating as well and imo doesn't warrant that good of a rating.
    It's not top tier writing but also not awful, it's a solid 8.9 considering what I've seen on here.
    Me saying I don't think the high rating is justified is truthful but I'm not blaming people, I wrote this as a kinda "rant", I'm not expecting everything to appeal to my taste, that's stupid.
    People should enjoy what they enjoy, the rating doesn't need to reflect my taste but I wanna be able to express my dissatisfaction with the characters.
    I've seen stories with a rating of 8.7 that I consider masterpieces as well.

    I'd never say people liking something I don't enjoy means they have bad taste, we're individuals and can like whatever we want, there's no law to rating something on a pirated site lol
    And there's no law preventing me from writing my critic.

    sanyong May 20, 2024 3:57 pm
    My comment says "the story and narration is good" lolNo wholesome isn't the same as a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship can be wholesome in the right story setting but you can also have a tragic stor... Chiaki

    whats an example of a wholesome story with a toxic relationship LMAO thats my entire point and with tragedies the PLOT wouldnt be wholesome but a healthy relationship would be a wholesome aspect of the story. he is toxic thats the point and is why the rating is so high most likely because people like toxic characters that are portrayed in this way (hate everyone except the mc). this is different than an outright toxic character as those are usually portrayed as abusive towards the mc, neglectful of the mc etc. i also never once said there was a law preventing you from writing your critics so idk what you’re getting at there

    Chiaki May 20, 2024 9:50 pm
    whats an example of a wholesome story with a toxic relationship LMAO thats my entire point and with tragedies the PLOT wouldnt be wholesome but a healthy relationship would be a wholesome aspect of the story. h... sanyong

    I didn't say a toxic relationship has a wholesome story, I said a healthy relationship doesn't need to have a wholesome story necessarily, that's a difference.
    Like I said a healthy relationship can develop in a tragic plot, the story wouldn't be wholesome tho so it's not always the same.

    Yeah toxic characters are popular but as seen with Jinx, people actually hate that and downvoted it like crazy so an exception like this is weird to see.
    Tbh I think fake smiles and manipulation is worse than being outright abusive, reminds me of the 2nd ML of "Even if you don't love me".
    Idk why you only picked up the last part of my reply where I made a comparison, before I say that I don't judge or blame anyone for the rating and the only part you heard was "there's no law to prevent me from writing my critic"? Just to get even more pissed
    Look I tried to be as respectful as possible in my reply to you even though you seem very agitated, this is such a random ass comment section, so if you just wanna get mad, there's so many good places on this site.
    I explained my point to you, doesn't matter what I say anyways so have a good day and maybe get out of the house more often or something Idk

    sanyong May 20, 2024 11:11 pm
    I didn't say a toxic relationship has a wholesome story, I said a healthy relationship doesn't need to have a wholesome story necessarily, that's a difference. Like I said a healthy relationship can develop in ... Chiaki

    i never said wholesome story in the first place i just said wholesome and you assumed i meant the entire story despite the fact that i was referring to the relationship between the mc and ml in comics because you were clearly discussing their relationship and how it doesnt deserve a high rating because the ml is just as toxic as the ex. like i said “with tragedies the PLOT wouldnt be wholesome but a healthy relationship would be a wholesome aspect of the story.” re read my comment LMAO anyway jinx is the worst comparison you could give in response to my reply. bro from jinx is straight up abusive and like i said this is a way different form of toxic in comparison to abusive ml’s. you thinking fake smiles and manipulation is worse than being outright abusive just means you’re a minority in that viewpoint when considering the high rating. idk where you got me being “more” pissed from im just doing exactly what you’re doing which is giving my viewpoint on the subject girl i think you should work on becoming literate and stop jumping to conclusions i just didnt feel the need to comment on the other shit you said since i understood where you were coming from and therefore didnt feel the need to say anything more on the subject if you would stop making ridiculous assumptions we wouldnt be at this point in the conversation and idk where that smartass end comment came from but you’re weird as hell LMFAOO

    Chiaki May 20, 2024 11:24 pm
    i never said wholesome story in the first place i just said wholesome and you assumed i meant the entire story despite the fact that i was referring to the relationship between the mc and ml in comics because y... sanyong

    "Jinx is straight up abusive but different from abusive MLs" please read what you write before you do, you're grasping at straws at this point lol
    You don't have to share my opinion, you aggressively reply like a mad Chihuahua, are you a minor?
    No you commented on exactly the points you felt like you could disagree on bc you like getting mad on the internet apparently. I'm not kink shaming, you do you.
    The way you write "LMFAOO" in caps shows you're a teen seeking attention, you got it from me, now I feel stupid, congrats you won!

    sanyong May 20, 2024 11:46 pm
    "Jinx is straight up abusive but different from abusive MLs" please read what you write before you do, you're grasping at straws at this point lol You don't have to share my opinion, you aggressively reply like... Chiaki

    please tell me you’re joking or are you genuinely illiterate. i clearly said “jinx is straight up abusive and like i said this is a way different form of toxic in comparison to abusive ml’s.” “this” refers to the edge of ambiguity which is pretty clear for people with basic reading comprehension skills LMAO are you in grade school

    “commented on exactly the points you felt like you could disagree on” like no shit thats what the internet is for… you cant be serious are you new to the internet its almost like… everyone does that? go on any social media platform and you’ll see the same thing get off the internet or just dont comment if you dont like it when people disagree with you. you post a comment on a public platform and the reply option is given so people can express their agreement or disagreement and its up to the commenter to decide between the two. why would i waste my time on a subject thats been cleared up now that i understand the viewpoint of the other person? if you care so much about that subject keep talking about it for all i care shawty i dont control you but yeah an acronym thats been used in all caps for years definitely means im seeking attention girl use your damn brain. have you used it once this entire conversation? are you not embarrassed making not only farfetched assumptions but ones that are completely wrong.. i’ll assume you just arent self aware but i already commented on your weird ass tendency to assume the most random shit and come to ridiculous conclusions based on those random and incorrect assumptions

    Chiaki May 20, 2024 11:57 pm
    please tell me you’re joking or are you genuinely illiterate. i clearly said “jinx is straight up abusive and like i said this is a way different form of toxic in comparison to abusive ml’s.” “this”... sanyong

    Yeah I'm not reading all that, pick your next target, ain't getting more attention from me.
    Have a nice day.

    sanyong May 21, 2024 12:02 am
    Yeah I'm not reading all that, pick your next target, ain't getting more attention from me. Have a nice day. Chiaki

    i’ll quote it for you dont worry

    “please tell me you’re joking or are you genuinely illiterate. i clearly said “jinx is straight up abusive and like i said this is a way different form of toxic in comparison to abusive ml’s.” “this” refers to the edge of ambiguity which is pretty clear for people with basic reading comprehension skills LMAO are you in grade school

    “commented on exactly the points you felt like you could disagree on” like no shit thats what the internet is for… you cant be serious are you new to the internet its almost like… everyone does that? go on any social media platform and you’ll see the same thing get off the internet or just dont comment if you dont like it when people disagree with you. you post a comment on a public platform and the reply option is given so people can express their agreement or disagreement and its up to the commenter to decide between the two. why would i waste my time on a subject thats been cleared up now that i understand the viewpoint of the other person? if you care so much about that subject keep talking about it for all i care shawty i dont control you but yeah an acronym thats been used in all caps for years definitely means im seeking attention girl use your damn brain. have you used it once this entire conversation? are you not embarrassed making not only farfetched assumptions but ones that are completely wrong.. i’ll assume you just arent self aware but i already commented on your weird ass tendency to assume the most random shit and come to ridiculous conclusions based on those random and incorrect assumptions”

    Mimiko23 May 21, 2024 1:47 pm
    That's fair, I can see why you'd enjoy this and the story isn't bad. I just wanted to share my opinion and my comparison to creepy old men doesn't seem far off based on your comment. It's very uncomfortable ind... Chiaki

    Oh yeah they’re definitely creepy lol

    Chiaki May 21, 2024 2:53 pm
    Oh yeah they’re definitely creepy lol Mimiko23

    Btw thank you for being respectful, seeing the replies I got from the other person made me appreciate your reasonable reply even more!

    oatmealworshipper May 21, 2024 4:43 pm
    please tell me you’re joking or are you genuinely illiterate. i clearly said “jinx is straight up abusive and like i said this is a way different form of toxic in comparison to abusive ml’s.” “this”... sanyong

    you ate them up they were probably embarrassed idk how they misread so much of what you said

    sanyong May 21, 2024 7:34 pm
    you ate them up they were probably embarrassed idk how they misread so much of what you said oatmealworshipper

    girl idk i genuinely just think they’re illiterate they’re probably the most incompetent person i’ve ever talked to on this site