Lets talk about sex baby

Olivekk May 18, 2024 5:57 am

Can we talk about how much manga perpetuates unsafe sex practices?? Not just some of the unsavory scenes with lack of consent but just the extremely unrealistic, romanticized, or downright dangerous practices that go on. I can exclude a LOT of manga from this critique because they're targeted as smut, but then we have some seriously unok practices.. I really like some manga that brings up the issues that normal people have to face during sex? Like the fear of getting an std, real pain when its you're first time, etc.

Can we also talk about the fact that there is SO MUCH CHILD PORN in manga. I'm sorry but teenagers having sex is still child pornography and its not relatable because its not realistic.. I wish more manga artists acknowledged this at the very least. Japan's sex culture is extremely toxic and fetishized, and it leaks heavily into their manga in unsafe ways…thanks for coming to my ted talk

    mijiji May 18, 2024 7:16 am

    When I was around 17-20 I used to read DJs and smut with high school main characters. As I grew older, the thought of reading smut with below 18 y/o main characters just make me "eugh". However, teenagers having sex is not "not realistic". Personally, I live in a very conservative country. I'm in my 20s but I'm still a virgin. In other countries tho, like in the US, they lose their virginity in their teens (around 16-17) and some even shame you if your still a virgin in your 20s. I personally don't mind, tho sometimes I do want to fulfill my urges but I don't have a partner and haven't had one yet. It really depends on your upbringing and cultural background. As for Japan, according to a quick google search (may require more research) the average japanese loose their virginity around 19-20.

    But yeah, sometimes whenever I read stories with non-con content, the story just won't feel the same way anymore. What really irks me is when one of the characters (usually the uke or the female character) looks so young. I just can't even though I love stories with age gap as long as they both like above 25 y/o. I love stories with cute height differences, but when the other character is literally drawn like a fcking child, I just don't even bother.

    I just hope that the teens in this site will eventually realize the rights and wrongs once they get older and mature. Don't let the exposure ruin your moral compasses. I admit there was a time when I was so immune to red flags in mangas/manhwas etc since I started reading on wattpad and AO3 at an early age. But now, I know better.