
Miamatsuoka May 17, 2024 4:19 pm

Here are the moralists again talking about things no one cares about. “The age gap throws me off” “but he’s a rapist” bla bla bla stfu no one cares. Y’all think you’re white knights in shinning armor. And ruined the yaoi community with your morals because you’re in desperate need of representation. Let people have fiction however they want. You won’t save the world with your preaching

    Gimmeyaoiineedyaoitolive June 27, 2024 6:17 am
    A knight into the town square on a beautiful stallion, dressed in full body gleaming white armour. He unrolls a scroll given to by the Kings himself that decrees "rape is bad and adults shouldn't date children.... Peepaw

    You are my hero and I love you, marry me

    -lazuli July 9, 2024 9:22 am
    A knight into the town square on a beautiful stallion, dressed in full body gleaming white armour. He unrolls a scroll given to by the Kings himself that decrees "rape is bad and adults shouldn't date children.... Peepaw

    *clap clap clap*

    Dani July 12, 2024 5:50 am
    Ummm my original comment was litewally fiction and fiction doesn't affect reality???? My accusation of someone defending pedophiles and rapists was fictionnn dawggg it can't hurt anybodyyyyyyy I thought this wa... Peepaw

    Stfu, goal-post-moving mfr lmaoooo

    And yes, statistic and studies on this prove you wrong. Unless you are already a bad actor, YOU WILL NOT BECOME A BAD ACTOR BY READING THIS SHIT. END OF. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WHINE ABOUT IT...

    I'm begging you people to read the research on this exact issue- it proves time and again that even *genuinely repulsive shota/lolicon* doesn't make people pedophiles. As much as it icks me out and I'm still gonna steer waaayyy clear of you for reading it.

    A tactic you could really use btw- just leaving the area and avoiding people reading some lines on a page.

    And no I'm not making more responses, I'm literally posting the one thing and going back to reading the dumb smut series I READ AS A HIGHSCHOOLER MYSELF :) So please, keep telling others like myself how we're gross when we read these exact works of fiction as a teenager ourselves! It'll really prove your point /s

    Dani July 12, 2024 6:29 am
    If you’re really interested in this topic and want to know more, i could send you a document (I believe it was a gooogle drive doc) containing a lot of articles and such about the topic of fiction, how people... ⭒mars⭒

    I am kissing you on the mouth, thank you for this. Lots of studies on this issue and they all prove that 1) victims like myself and my past/current partner(s) find comfort in fantasies they control to cope with uncontrolled trauma and 2) NONE of this, even the worst stuff morally like loli/shotacon, makes you a monster/pedophile/abuser irl. Otherwise, apparently, people who have a schoolgirl/schoolboy outfit for the bedroom session between two adults are suddenly pedophiles! And people who are into ddlg/ddlb with 2 consenting adults who use age regression and caregiving to cope and heal are also apparently pedophiles! And people who like to be beat while they cum are being abused by people who literally just enjoy using a different method of bringing someone pleasure! And people who like to pretend they are being raped by a criminal who broke into their apartment, either for the thrill in safety or to work through that happening to them, are really victims of the pretend-rapist!

    Like christ, just say you don't care about irl victims if you have the gall to compare this to real life trauma. Fuuuuccckk off :))) It waters down the definition of things like "pedophile" until you have people getting seen as genuine ones for cosplaying from yarichin when they literally just relate to a character they loved back in high school or "abuser" when they just read something like Caste Heaven. Real pedophiles and abusers cause harm to REAL PEOPLE AND KIDS. Lines on a page are NOT real people. To say they are is tone deaf and equates irl victims to little more than ink on a page because YOU feel uncomfortable- the only immoral ones here are the people insisiting drawn fantasy immortality is directly the same, and as evil as, REAL HARMFUL ACTS. On top of that, censorship to the nth degree WILL lead to unfettered reduction of freedom of expression- it's why AO3 has so many people enjoying it while Tumblr lost so many people because the staff banned porn. Banning lgbt+ literature was ALSO done by insinuating or outright calling it a danger to children and pedophilic! THIS SHIT HAS REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES!

    Not to mention the more you push genuine, irl pedophiles away from therapy by dropping the name every two seconds over fiction (because shocker, you can stop a pedophile from offending the first time if they can get therapy to fix and stop these behaviors/thoughts!), the more likely they are to offend irl. They end up more disconnected (due to shame they could otherwise work to stop by way of ceasing this behavior with therapy) from real people who could stop them from following a dark path to real harm. The best thing you can do if you suspect someone is a pedophile with no real proof beyond "they read shota/loli" is warn those around you they give you the ick and gtfo of there yourself. Hell, I do that! Because 99% of the time, according to real studies, they ARE NOT pedophiles and on the 1% chance they are, someone on the internet pointing it out isn't going to stop it in 99% of cases. Look at youtube. Look at the cosplay community. They just get better at hiding it, and you help by insisting a pedophile is ACTUALLY just anyone who so much as reads a single story with a character who is a minor. When anyone becomes a pedophile for such a flimsy reason, real ones get missed because you had to be the one to catch one for some pissing contest. I've seen people in the cosplay community slip away who were caught being pedophiles because they weren't reported and there was such a fervor for catching ANYONE who read anything too dicey.

    I just..... fuck, people! Focus on real pedophiles and rapists and abusers, I am begging you! You will not find the majority of them here, and if you do, you will not be the ones to stop them! And they definitely won't stop if you give them the aid of sinking into a sea of what you have now deemed pedophiles/rapists!

    Peepaw July 13, 2024 9:35 pm
    Stfu, goal-post-moving mfr lmaooooAnd yes, statistic and studies on this prove you wrong. Unless you are already a bad actor, YOU WILL NOT BECOME A BAD ACTOR BY READING THIS SHIT. END OF. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU... Dani

    I'm doing a little joke :3 a /j /sarc :3

    No shit sherlock LMAOOOOO I've said MULTIPLE TIMES that reading stuff doesn't just brainwash you????? Obviously reading about a bad actor doesn't make you a bad actor??? I don't wanna repeat myself so go reread my comments, and make sure to actually read them this time.

    Yeah it doesn't make people pedos, but only a pedo would read that shit. You can't become a pedo if you already are one.

    You're gross

    Peepaw July 13, 2024 9:44 pm
    I am kissing you on the mouth, thank you for this. Lots of studies on this issue and they all prove that 1) victims like myself and my past/current partner(s) find comfort in fantasies they control to cope with... Dani

    Ddlg is gross and not the same thing at all as age regression.

    Obviously shota/loli isn't the same as real cp. Shouldn't even have to clarify that, but here we are. And while we're on the topic of stupid comparisons, the banning of queer media is not AT ALL the same as banning shota/loli. One was used to silence and discriminate against innocent people who have done literally nothing wrong, the other is to prevent the sexualization and abuse of children. But even considering that I'm against censorship of any kind. People can write whatever the hell they want!!! But I'm allowed to criticize them and think it's disgusting. I don't have to agree with and support everything that's written and published just because I'm against censorship.

    People who struggle with pedophilic intrusive thoughts due to a mental health condition do deserve therapy and support, as long as they don't act on those desires. As soon as they act on them (and I include reading shota/loli in this), I think they're a gross piece of shit. Hell yes we should shame pedophiles. Idgaf about the cosplay community why r u bringing up irrelevant topics.

    I agree, who said I don't.

    CheekyMinger July 14, 2024 12:39 am

    Okay here we go

    CheekyMinger July 14, 2024 12:40 am
    I am kissing you on the mouth, thank you for this. Lots of studies on this issue and they all prove that 1) victims like myself and my past/current partner(s) find comfort in fantasies they control to cope with... Dani

    Exactly what I am saying!! Besides, there is so much "rape" and "age gap" in the holy bible, its really not a big deal some people are just SOOO sensitive these days. I mean, Jesus is fine with it?? SO just get over it??? You aren't special. Remember Matthew 22:39?? "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Jesus LOVES the gays and Jesus LOVES the kids and Jesus LOVES the Pedos and Zoo pride. Love is love. You should love thy neighbour as you love thyself because JESUS loves us all The radical left has SUCH a perverted idea on what LGBTQ+ pride is. Its all about being special snowflakes and making this gay pride bullshit all sexual. Pride is NOT sexual. What ever happened to love? What ever happened to being proud of yourself and your sexuality? Just because I am a kid and I like older men means that I am "wrong" and a "victim?" You leftists throw that word around SO much and it is disingenuous to the REAL victims.