I would say depending on the story it’s a good thing that the personality is changing, no ? Like if Tanaka stayed a dick all the time even though he loved the mc i think most people would likely start to get pissed by it, I would lmao !
But, if these authors really changed the personalities of their characters, I would really hope they did it for the plot, and not simply because some random rebecca says she hates characters who are “red flags”.
But yeah, I see what you mean by that. It is true that there might be some artists and authors who are getting influenced by this, but there’re also a lot who aren’t and make this sorts of themes their trademark lol ! And trust me, most of them don’t give a fuck and were here way before these puritan readers were even born.

Of some author wants to build a theme of green flaged romantic stories all the power to them. What irks me is people reading the other original stories, the ones produced before the morality police was invented and ruin those ones for the rest of us.
I'm not going to generalize and say "we" but I for myself don't seek yaoi for a realistic boring story. I like to read fiction, stories that would never happen in real life. So for others to co.mwnt and ruin the experience for us is not fair. Just as no one wants for me to go into a green story and dis on it
That being said, character development is essential in every story, and the thrill of reading is to see how the Seme usually learns to love and be kind to his partner while being an a$$ to absolutely everyone else

Tbh I think that the rape trope should die as it has kinda been proven that, that fantasy/fiction can effect reality as much as we don’t want that and while a good bl with good characters doesn’t always have to mean they have to be bad romanticizing rape and they don’t have to be goody two shoes. I also think people have the right to there own opinions if they aren’t hurting people with them.

Tbh I think that the rape trope should die as it has kinda been proven that, that fantasy/fiction can effect reality as much as we don’t want that and while a good bl with good characters doesn’t always have to mean they have to be bad romanticizing rape and they don’t have to be goody two shoes. I also think people have the right to their own opinions if they aren’t hurting people with them. I think it’s important to realize that while yes this is your opinion people who have maybe gone through these things may not want to see someone who says fiction is fiction because as I said earlier it has been shown to have an effect on the real world also I think it’s fine when someone points out grooming or borderline romanticizing adult and child relationships which aren’t okay under any circumstance even in fiction.

As well as romanticizing rape and torture or that stuff. I think if all the above and the stuff in the previous comment above maybe makes you or others feel like when people point that out makes you feel angry that they are taken the fun out of it or something I would honestly be scared of you and would at least recommend therapy

Tbh I think that the rape trope should die as it has kinda been proven that, that fantasy/fiction can effect reality as much as we don’t want that and while a good bl with good characters doesn’t always have to mean they have to be bad romanticizing rape and they don’t have to be goody two shoes. I also think people have the right to their own opinions if they aren’t hurting people with them. I think it’s important to realize that while yes this is your opinion people who have maybe gone through these things may not want to see someone who says fiction is fiction because as I said earlier it has been shown to have an effect on the real world also I think it’s fine when someone points out grooming or borderline romanticizing adult and child relationships which aren’t okay under any circumstance even in fiction.
Not trying to start an argument but I just thought maybe you might want the other sides perspective :>

Not aiming to conter point your comment with that argument, but just wanted to add that there’re also victims of abuse, who willingly turn to these sort of fictional media (not just BL) because it helps them have the upper hand on what’s happening (allows them to have control over the situation). The inherent problems here, is the willingness from some people to censor, or condemn works of fiction simply because they cannot separate it from reality.
As I said prior to your comment, fiction affects reality but not in the way you imagine it to. Of course there’re people who aren’t comfortable with these sorts of media, rightfully so, and in no way am I forcing anyone to endure the reading or watching of such works. However, if an individual is aware that these type of works are making them uncomfortable or repulsing them, they wouldn’t be interacting with it in the first place.
This conversation started because of the first answer it got, which was clearly accusing the OP of defending rapists and pedophiles simply because they’re voicing their opinion about the people shitting on the artist’s work in the comments.
I’ve read many “other sides” perspectives, i’m always in it, because everyone has different views on this topic and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But, seeing someone accusing a reader of defending rapists and pedophiles over fiction isn’t something i can simply ignore.

I’m not trying to be shitty either, i mean you guys have your own stance on it, and that’s just how it is. But, I think it’s necessary for you guys to be aware that people who enjoy these kind of media do not condone, in any way, anything that they are reading/seeing.
We could be having the very same conversion for a horror BL. But somehow, you guys are least likely to talk about it the way you do under here, although it’s the very same level of abomination.
Each and everyone has their own priorities scales in fictional policing, I guess.

I agree with you about the amount of people just shitting on people preferences on both sides but I also agree about the horror bl thing now that for me is just like oh heck nah I’m running away lol but I know that some people have a stance on this bl but would refuse to do so on others which is contradicting what they are for and the such. Also thank you for being kind I like learning of others opinions and the such but someone’s I get shit on for it lol anyways thanks for the deeper insight :3 have a good rest of your day/night

If you’re really interested in this topic and want to know more, i could send you a document (I believe it was a gooogle drive doc) containing a lot of articles and such about the topic of fiction, how people interact with it, its effects etc. So i’ll look if i still got it in my laptop and i’ll try sending it to you today !
Also, you could check @/SamAburime and @/lizcourserants on twitter if you have any question regarding certain topics (you could ask them directly or you can simply look it up in their account !).
Although they share the same opinions as me, they tackle it better and know way more on it than I do lol !

Sure, I've read Mangas which have rape/dubcon and age gaps... I can cope with the age gap but the rape contents have gone out of hand. Nowadays while reading a manga/webtoon the one thing among many I have concern is whether there'd be any rape in it or not. I'm positively sure that most of the Mangas and webtoon under the yaoi tag have toxic semes/dubcon/noncon/rape/blackmailing etc... and it's the same exact plot over and over again and that's what's irritating me.
Here are the moralists again talking about things no one cares about. “The age gap throws me off” “but he’s a rapist” bla bla bla stfu no one cares. Y’all think you’re white knights in shinning armor. And ruined the yaoi community with your morals because you’re in desperate need of representation. Let people have fiction however they want. You won’t save the world with your preaching