A knight into the town square on a beautiful stallion, dressed in full body gleaming white armour. He unrolls a scroll given to by the Kings himself that decrees "rape is bad and adults shouldn't date children." Most of the crowd cheers, but there are those that are unhappy with the Kings decision. None are brave enough to step forward out of fear that the Kings supporters, otherwise known as the Moralists, would have them hung. Only one courageous person speaks up, and they are known as Miamatsuoka. They are not afraid to go against the Moralists. They are not afraid to say that they love rape and they love adults having sex with minors. Many boo and hiss at them, but Miamatsuoka stands tall and proud despite their jeers. The knight dismounts from his horse and draws his sword as he approaches Miamatsuoka. "You shall be executed on the spot for your insolence against the king." Miamatsuoka holds their head high, never wavering even as the knight plunges his sword deep into their heart. Using their last breaths they speak their dying words, "I may die, but the movement lives on. Never stop protesting against the Moralists! We will have freedom! Freedom to rape and groom whoever we want!" They turned to stare directly into the knights eyes, "let people live however they want. The King won't change the world with his preaching." Finally they drew in one last shaky breath before slumping to the ground. Miamatsura had died. But they had died doing what they love, defending rapists and pedophiles.

The puritans should probably not read fiction if they feel like they can be swept by it. I would also advise the puritans to check with their closest therapist asap, because if all it takes to falter their morals is reading a work of fiction, then there must be some serious dirts to uncover under their carpet.

Fiction has historically been written to teach the audience lessons. Therefore fiction is often made to affect reality. Most, if not all, works of fiction are intended to have a message and impact the audience in some way. Even porn comics are meant to arouse the reader, which is fiction affecting reality.

If it’s a protest work sure, because that’s the whole point and in that case fiction is but a means to share a specific view. And more often than not, Authors will voice the fact that their story (if it is a work of fiction) is but a medium to tackle and dispute topical issues.
There are work of fictions, such as this ones, who exist simply to tell a story. One’s work of fiction does not have to be restricted to being lawfully good to be read and discussed. Otherwise, you would know, that most of the greatest work of classical literature would not exist. And it should not be disregarded or censored simply because it tackles subjects that can be out of our real life morals (if one has any).
The fact, that you first commented the way that you did on a work of fiction that is clearly stranding from reality (just from the fact that the ml can leave his body to fuck the mc), is utterly ridiculous.

Fiction doesn't only affect reality by expressing a message and directly hoping to completely change the audiences view, some does but not all. That's not what I mean when I say fiction is made to affect reality. Some fiction just exists to tell a story, yes, but that story is meant to impact the readers in some way, even if it seems insignificant. If you've ever enjoyed a story, or even hated a story, then that was fiction affecting your reality. The simple fact that we're discussing this is an example of fiction affecting reality.
? I never said all fiction needs to be morally good. I'm very against the censorship of media in any form, but that doesn't mean they're immune to criticism. People can write whatever the hell they want but that doesn't mean what they write is automatically good and exempt from being called disgusting.

The thing is, fiction isn’t affecting reality in the way that you think it does.
It’s needless to say that one could feel emotions while reading or watching a work of fiction, but readers feeling emotions toward a specific work of fiction doesn’t ultimately result in them committing taboos or crimes, nor would they approve of them.
Someone who reads or watches a work of fiction, which contain dark or problematic themes can appreciate said work, all the while being aware that what they’re consuming is morally reprehensible and condemnable in real life. A healthy minded person isn’t going to throw away their established morals and values because of a work of fiction.
We’re discussing this because you wrote that the person above us was, and I quote : “defending rapists and pedophiles.”. So, no. It is sadly not fiction that has brought us to this point, but rather your rudeness and your inability to discern fiction from reality, which remains concerning.
Well, I would advise you to start writing constructive criticism next time, which would require critical thinking skills. Or, could this also be beyond your capabilities ? Although, you do seem to have a knack for writing, so i’m convinced you’ll get there, eventually.

Obviously fiction doesn't just straight up brainwash people??? I'm simply arguing that the statement "fiction doesn't affect reality" is false, it doesn't matter how much fiction affects reality.
Constantly exposing yourself to the same things over and over again will change your perspective on certain things. Obviously having a stable and critical mindset is important and prevents extreme changes in your morality, but you WILL be impacted by repeatedly reading the same things. It's absurd to think that you won't be. You obviously won't completely change your morals and start murdering people, but you are more likely to become desensitized. I'm not saying you can't consume dark content, I consume dark content, but it does change your perspective on certains things, even if it's barely noticeable.
I wouldn't have written that if op hadn't written their comment, and they wouldn't have written their comment if they hadn't been affected by this piece of fiction. Also my original response was meant to be a piece of fiction yet it sparked this discussion so idk. I was trying to be rude tho so you got me there. Also I can discern fiction from reality idk why you seem to think I can't dawg just call me stupid already, you clearly want to.
I'm not gonna write constructive criticism about a fucking porn manga where a grown ass man falls in love with the high schooler that raped him I could, but I feel like the flaws and ways to improve it are obvious to anyone with a brain. Thanks for complimenting my writing tho luv u!!!!!

I feel like I already gave a well rounded answer to everything you’ve wrote here through my previous comments. If you’d have read it correctly, you wouldn’t even be bringing up desensitizing. But, if it does desensitize anyone it will never be beyond the realms of fiction, not on real life matters. However, someone who watch disturbing (nonfictional) videos involving real people could and will get desensitized on real issues, because these are real people going through real things, not just lines on a screen.
That was just a polite way to tell you that if you’ve got nothing relevant to bring up other than what you’ve already given us, you might as well just hit the road.
Here are the moralists again talking about things no one cares about. “The age gap throws me off” “but he’s a rapist” bla bla bla stfu no one cares. Y’all think you’re white knights in shinning armor. And ruined the yaoi community with your morals because you’re in desperate need of representation. Let people have fiction however they want. You won’t save the world with your preaching