
PumpkinSpiceLatte May 17, 2024 6:55 am

While I do understand Hee-ryang's childhood and background, the desperation he felt to survive and the debt he needed to pay back, I still think he is responsible for his actions. Maybe there was no "better" alternative in that situation, but he still made a choice and no matter whatever justifications he had, he still has to bear the responsibility and consequences. All leaders have such a role in life.

I'm quite interested in how he is going to redeem himself, if he's able to even. Would Yeonjo give him a chance? Outside of pity, what would justify giving such a man a second chance? Maybe...love?

    Succube May 17, 2024 3:19 pm

    I wonder if maybe something horrible will happen to hee-ryang which will make miserable af and suffers enough for readers/yeonjo to understand and maybe forgive him

    PumpkinSpiceLatte May 17, 2024 11:17 pm
    I wonder if maybe something horrible will happen to hee-ryang which will make miserable af and suffers enough for readers/yeonjo to understand and maybe forgive him Succube

    That would be a little cliche haha

    thisislele May 18, 2024 5:22 pm

    idk if this is just me but if i had to choose between killing a bunch of people and being killed for NOT killing a bunch of people, i would just kill myself. that’s a very easy decision to me.

    PumpkinSpiceLatte May 18, 2024 6:50 pm
    idk if this is just me but if i had to choose between killing a bunch of people and being killed for NOT killing a bunch of people, i would just kill myself. that’s a very easy decision to me. thisislele

    I don't think it's ever that simple of a matter. It stopped being about his survival after he rose in the ranks from a mere officer to the commander. The role he was given became more meaningful. Why? Because now his life had a purpose.

    The King's younger brother enabled Hee-ryang to fullfill his potential to the fullest. Hee-ryang respected him and even said that there's no one else who can spearhead the campaign against outlanders. Hee-ryang believed that their mission to protect the borders, by any means necessary (even morally questionable methods), was the highest priority.

    And to give the final push, he felt in debt to the King's younger brother. There wasn't much of a choice he had at that point, because of all the decisions he had made so far as a person. Hee-ryang let himself be cornered into that situation owing to what he allowed himself to become.

    That's why I said that despite everything, he's fully responsible for his actions and bears the burden of the consequences. And keeping all this in mind, what would it take to redeem such a person? I'm very interested in that. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    thisislele May 18, 2024 7:02 pm
    I don't think it's ever that simple of a matter. It stopped being about his survival after he rose in the ranks from a mere officer to the commander. The role he was given became more meaningful. Why? Because n... PumpkinSpiceLatte

    no i get it lol. i would still just kill myself.

    PumpkinSpiceLatte May 18, 2024 7:07 pm
    no i get it lol. i would still just kill myself. thisislele


    Mads May 20, 2024 3:13 am

    I agree with you there, although I am in full support of him and hope he gets a redemption arc, with how intricately and well thought out the story is I believe the author has something in store for us regarding his redemption, we are already seeing it as is

    My theory is that in Part 2 or last chapters of part 1, yeonjo will betray him, maybe unwillingly or having second thoughts on the matter but he will pull through

    Maybe that is the punishment for hee ryang, after opening his heart towards someone he will be betrayed and will lead to his downfall

    Another theory would be he would fake his own death if ever yeonjo were to "kill" him, maybe hide in the shadows for a bit before coming back when everything goes to shit

    I theorise that their could be 3 parts, 1 for the beginning and establishing or what happens, part 2 will be the implementation of the "revenge" for yeonjo plus fighting with his own thoughts about it because he grew attached, maybe he'd even unwillingly betray hee yang or smth, part 3 would be the concluding and most likely where everything ties together, I'd definitely bet that if ever Yeonjo does go and exact revenge in part 2, hee ryang will still survive and find a way to put an end to everything

    Hee ryang is a full package in intellectual and in his physical capabilities, he won't go down easily but he kay be affected by the betrayal if it all goes down to that

    Anyway just praying they get the happy ending

    Mads May 20, 2024 3:13 am

    I agree with you there, although I am in full support of him and hope he gets a redemption arc, with how intricately and well thought out the story is I believe the author has something in store for us regarding his redemption, we are already seeing it as is

    My theory is that in Part 2 or last chapters of part 1, yeonjo will betray him, maybe unwillingly or having second thoughts on the matter but he will pull through

    Maybe that is the punishment for hee ryang, after opening his heart towards someone he will be betrayed and will lead to his downfall

    Another theory would be he would fake his own death if ever yeonjo were to "kill" him, maybe hide in the shadows for a bit before coming back when everything goes to shit

    I theorise that their could be 3 parts, 1 for the beginning and establishing or what happens, part 2 will be the implementation of the "revenge" for yeonjo plus fighting with his own thoughts about it because he grew attached, maybe he'd even unwillingly betray hee yang or smth, part 3 would be the concluding and most likely where everything ties together, I'd definitely bet that if ever Yeonjo does go and exact revenge in part 2, hee ryang will still survive and find a way to put an end to everything

    Hee ryang is a full package in intellectual and in his physical capabilities, he won't go down easily but he kay be affected by the betrayal if it all goes down to that

    Anyway just praying they get the happy lending

    PumpkinSpiceLatte May 20, 2024 1:21 pm
    I agree with you there, although I am in full support of him and hope he gets a redemption arc, with how intricately and well thought out the story is I believe the author has something in store for us regardin... Mads

    Yes, I also think the first theory is quite plausible.

    BL_F@NGIRL May 20, 2024 6:03 pm
    I wonder if maybe something horrible will happen to hee-ryang which will make miserable af and suffers enough for readers/yeonjo to understand and maybe forgive him Succube

    Like Yeonjo stabbing him.... Yeah I'm all for that...