Everything I got

Sup May 17, 2024 4:35 am

Also TW, don’t read this comment even as a passerby if you have suicidal thoughts or anything on that belt please.

So to quickly summarize what I got, correct me if I’m wrong. Yuju was killed by the mom? Or the dad? If she was killed by the mom I’m assuming that it’s due to the mom wanting to escape in a sense with her pride cause her husband is a pdf file, she probably lost her mind living in that household and if the public knew they’d know that she knew about the abuse happening to Saha without telling anyone. If it’s the dad then he’s just a sick piece of shit who was pissed. I think it’s most likely the mother tho. But the mother was upset tho cause she burnt him and her in that house, cause Saha hinted at her losing her mind the most so that’s why I think she could’ve still done it cause someone in that mental state is unpredictable. Also is the person that killed Yuju, Mantis? Or is it some other random hitmen in that bus?

Then Youngdo was framed by the dead body of Yuju being sent to the house cause of what? Cause that’s another part I don’t fully get cause who exactly is framing him, and who sent Mantis after him cause I’m trying to understand how Youngbo’s friend ties into this?!

(I don’t even know if I don’t get it cause I’m stupid or there’s too many open endings to the point it’s left to interpretation)

Either Youngdo was framed by the mother so as to cover up everyone or by his gang. Cause I get that Mantis killed him, but what was the exact reason? What did Mantis have against Youngobo or was it against the gang Youngdo was in?

And lastly, for Saha, I know he jumped off a cliff unfortunately. And I know that that woman was his subconscious but why did they have that convo in the apartment at the beginning, I get the ending but how did the apartment conversation tie into the plot? My assumption is that it was Saha’s first suicidal thoughts considering that he thought Yuju may have died cause she seems to come up when he goes blank due to having to deal with a tragic situation in his memories.

Also what is Choi Ara’s goals exactly???!!! Like I get how Youngbo’s friend’s life got wrecked but like why exactly is her backstory in the overall story. I know it makes sense but it’s not making sense to me right now.
