
Moonpie May 16, 2024 8:35 am

People can't share their opinion without y'all having to get up in arms. You want us to just ignore it and move on, yet anytime you see a comment that's uncomfortable with the big elephant in the room here, you will argue "It's dark, what did you expect?"

Sorry that I hate reading rape so constantly when I'm just trying to enjoy a good story, cause that's so awful and sharing that it made me uncomfortable is gonna ruin your good time. We've consistently had this problem in the genre and we're literally moving no where cause a bunch of people go "it's just fiction" keep consuming that same TIRED trope and authors will keep using it with absolutely no thought given on why they're using it and most of the time, it's just a dumb plot device that's unneeded.

You literally are so defensive about it, it's almost funny cause I see the SAME argument every time and if I have to read every time and consistently worry "is there gonna be rape?" that is the most dreadful way to spend time reading ever, it's so stupid that it shouldn't even be a problem, sorry my opinion is stupid to you, move the hell on just like you tell others to when they complain. You spend the entire time laughing and insulting others cause they simply don't agree with you. It's good to debate but some of y'all act like goddamn children. Well, some of you probably are, would explain a lot.

(When I say "you", it is a general term. I don't care if you like the story, good on you, I suppose. This is directed at people specifically doing what I mentioned above.)

    Jayjay May 16, 2024 8:41 am

    I’m reading this and... so what’s your point...

    Moonpie May 16, 2024 1:21 pm
    I’m reading this and... so what’s your point... Jayjay

    Pretty sure I quite clearly stated what my point was

    Jayjay May 16, 2024 4:00 pm
    Pretty sure I quite clearly stated what my point was Moonpie

    Pretty.. Sure I just read your rant but not what it is for

    E2 SP6 & 1V hater May 19, 2024 9:27 am

    i swear theres some yaoi having to need some taboo crap like rape or so apocalypse, and i'm in misery. and the way peopel are so braindead and act oblivious to it, will DEFEND it as if the plot rlly was needed since the author never really makes it a plot thing but rather some romanticised bs, or just people arguing that "it's meant to be dark", when the author themselves never paints the character in question as a bad guy or dwells into it. atp, it feels like the authors are just putting in their weird fantasies, and the readers eat that shit UP and go to war to defend their hero. like wtf....

    lord, this got long, but i've seen most bls have this to the point i avoid the yaoi genre as a germ and at best will only read shounen ais

    Moonpie May 19, 2024 1:14 pm
    i swear theres some yaoi having to need some taboo crap like rape or so apocalypse, and i'm in misery. and the way peopel are so braindead and act oblivious to it, will DEFEND it as if the plot rlly was needed ... E2 SP6 & 1V hater

    like if yer gonna include, at least do smth with it, most of the time its just a thing to throw in cause "why not make the uke suffer, ITS FOR THE PLOT"

    Its so sickening, I wanna read my shit without a random 360 scene ruining the entire thing