another plotless fluff, im so tired...i need these authors to write actual plot and actual...

jojo May 16, 2024 5:05 am

another plotless fluff, im so tired...i need these authors to write actual plot and actual personalities

    remmiiii May 28, 2024 4:12 pm

    ur so demanding and judgemental of authors who you literally are stealing from. Maybe take a seat and think that we don't want realistic mangas and just want straight cotton candy.

    melodies May 28, 2024 4:42 pm

    That’s why we read things we like and then don’t complain in the end when you read smthn you don’t like because it’s not your cup of tea lol don’t read it in the first place.

    jojo May 28, 2024 8:22 pm
    ur so demanding and judgemental of authors who you literally are stealing from. Maybe take a seat and think that we don't want realistic mangas and just want straight cotton candy. remmiiii

    bro its not that serious, im just expressing my personal dissatisfaction with these types of stories. Maybe you take a seat and think that some people want to read fiction with developed plots and complex characters.
    and i dont want hear about "stealing" from someone who uses this site too.
    also unlike most of yall, i actually buy manga and support authors when i can, but im not going to buy a manga unless i know its really good first.
    (also a lot of manga dont have official english translations)

    jojo May 28, 2024 8:22 pm
    That’s why we read things we like and then don’t complain in the end when you read smthn you don’t like because it’s not your cup of tea lol don’t read it in the first place. melodies

    how would i know if i like a story unless i try it?

    melodies May 29, 2024 2:16 am
    how would i know if i like a story unless i try it? jojo

    And you read that you didn’t like it and your final thought was to express that in the comments of the people who did? If you read it, didn’t like it, it’d be common sense to just click out when you were done and call it quits

    melodies May 29, 2024 2:20 am
    bro its not that serious, im just expressing my personal dissatisfaction with these types of stories. Maybe you take a seat and think that some people want to read fiction with developed plots and complex chara... jojo

    The comment you’re replying to knows that they’re on a site which steals, obviously. They’re telling you that you have no place to complain when you’re also here. They never excluded themselves from the mix. Saying you buy mangas in real life, too doesn’t make you a saint and quite frankly no one cares if you do. I buy mangas in real life and support the author but what good does that do for me if I’m still on this site and so are you so what was the point in bringing that up? The problem is that you’re expressing and projecting that personal dissatisfaction onto the author of this and saying the author and people who write endless fluff need to “write actual plot” for your enjoyment because you can’t see how others could ever like fluff with nothing else. Reading is fundamental.

    jojo May 29, 2024 7:34 am
    And you read that you didn’t like it and your final thought was to express that in the comments of the people who did? If you read it, didn’t like it, it’d be common sense to just click out when you were ... melodies

    I felt like i wasted my time, so in the spur of the moment i left a comment motivated by my dissatisfaction. Different opinions are allowed to be expressed, THAT is common sense.

    I like very...SPECIFIC types of stories, but i do try other types from time to time, sometimes i like it, sometimes i dont, but i can express an opinion ether way.

    jojo May 29, 2024 7:34 am
    The comment you’re replying to knows that they’re on a site which steals, obviously. They’re telling you that you have no place to complain when you’re also here. They never excluded themselves from the... melodies

    the other person bringing up reading on an illegal site as argument point was nonsensical to begin with. Reading a story illegally doesnt somehow nullify the right to give an opinion on said story contents.
    I never thought they excused themselves from the mix, i just thought the comment was pretty tone deaf. (people complain and give opinions about stories on here all the time and they are entitled to do so. On top of that this is an illegal site for crying out loud).

    I mentioned that i buy manga (and quite selectively so) because i wanted to highlight that i take my reading quite seriously, hence my frustration when i waste my time on stories that seem initially interesting to me but turn out not so.

    I left a spur of the moment wishful thinking comment on an illegal site, youre acting like im going to these authors socials and demanding from them to write a good plot lol.

    Like gtfo with this bullshit, this whole argument is so stupid.
    reading is fundamental, but comprehension is key.

    melodies May 29, 2024 1:22 pm

    “ur so demanding and judgmental of authors who you literally are stealing from.” Is a perfect reply to; “i need these authors to write actual plot and actual personalities”. Because, yes, you are stealing from them. No one said you shouldn’t have an opinion on a story just because you stole it, we’re saying your opinion is you complaining that they aren’t catering to your tastes. That’s like leaving a review in a story that you didn’t know was comedic, reading it to the end, and then saying these authors need to have action and drama and stop writing endless comedy for your enjoyment as if that genre and style wasn’t their goal. The whole point of reading is to find what you like. It’s a public comment section so of course you can voice your opinion but when it’s a complaint don’t expect others to not respond, either. I agree, this argument is pointless and so is your original comment. I’m just saying what I said earlier because apparently comprehension aint doin you one step better than you said it was doing me.

    jojo May 29, 2024 11:04 pm
    “ur so demanding and judgmental of authors who you literally are stealing from.” Is a perfect reply to; “i need these authors to write actual plot and actual personalities”. Because, yes, you are steali... melodies

    How is it a perfect reply when one has nothing to do with the other?
    Besides, as i initially said, it wasnt that serious, i dont actually expect anything out of these authors, i was just using sarcasm as literary device to convey my frustration in lack of good writing.

    "No one said you shouldn’t have an opinion on a story just because you stole it" The other person mentioning that im "stealing" (in the context of the comment) literally connotes that i have no right to voice a negative opinion on the story...because i stole it. Which again, one has nothing to do with the other, thats why i said it was a nonsensical argumentative point.

    "we’re saying your opinion is you complaining that they aren’t catering to your tastes." YOU are saying that, the other person made no mention or implication that it had anything to do with that.The other persons comment was criticism of me being judgmental aka having an opinion on work im "stealing". (in order to fit your narrative, they are going to need to write a whole other comment).

    Some comedies are full of action and drama, some are...less creative to say it nicely. If i read a comedy that i think would have greatly benefited from more action and drama i can express that. If the intention was to be basic, i can criticize that too. On the same note, im not criticizing this story or similar stories for being "fluffy". I dont detest "fluff", i detest lazy writing.

    The only thing that is apparent here regarding comprehension (or lack thereof to be precise) is that the call is coming from inside the house.

    melodies May 30, 2024 6:10 am

    It seems from what you said that you have issues with the first commenter rather than with me. You were hypocritical in the beginning to them so maybe that’s why I replied and said “we” because the pot was calling the kettle black. You're right; I should emphasize "I" rather than "we" in this. “I like very...SPECIFIC types of stories, but i do try other types from time to time, sometimes i like it, sometimes i dont, but i can express an opinion ether way.” It's true that someone can voice their opinion, but the saying is still “agree to disagree”. While I’m arguing with the way you phrased it, I understand your opinion where the novel lacks a storyline and that's why you don't like it. Your phrasing is primarily "my" issue. “i need these authors to write actual plot and actual personalities” comes off as wanting specific authors to conform to your preferences all because you couldn’t find what you were looking for in this story. In your most recent comment, you said that you found this to be lazy writing, which I can accept, but I disagree with. I can't stress enough how your wording makes it sound like you're trying to be demanding of something you obviously couldn't find in this story and ended up bashing the authors for it and the people who found it intriguing. I know you said that was sarcasm, but this didn't seem like it. If I misconstrued it, then I’m sorry. It’s not something consequential

    melodies May 30, 2024 6:17 am
    How is it a perfect reply when one has nothing to do with the other?Besides, as i initially said, it wasnt that serious, i dont actually expect anything out of these authors, i was just using sarcasm as literar... jojo

    I’ll continue to say that the pot is calling the kettle black.

    jojo May 31, 2024 5:18 am
    It seems from what you said that you have issues with the first commenter rather than with me. You were hypocritical in the beginning to them so maybe that’s why I replied and said “we” because the pot wa... melodies

    yes i do have an issue with what the first commenter said, clearly.
    but i also have an issue with your original comment. (and i have already previously addressed the issue i have with it)
    also how was i being hypocritical towards the first commenter? do elaborate.

    "Your phrasing is primarily "my" issue"
    i find it interesting that you say this now, because your original comment/reply to me made no indication of such.

    "In your most recent comment, you said that you found this to be lazy writing, which I can accept, but I disagree with."
    My favorite category in manga is seinen, idk what your favorite category is, but its probably not that. So naturally we have different opinions and views when it comes to what good writing entails and thats perfectly ok.

    I understand the issue you have with my phrasing, or more accurately, i understand the way you miscomprehended my words, but honestly, when i wrote that comment i didnt expect people to take it so literally.

    jojo May 31, 2024 5:20 am
    I’ll continue to say that the pot is calling the kettle black. melodies

    the irony...

    melodies May 31, 2024 12:10 pm

    “That’s why we read things we like and then don’t complain in the end when you read smthn you don’t like because it’s not your cup of tea lol don’t read it in the first place.” Was my reply to you saying “i need these authors to write actual plot and actual personalities”. You read it, figured out it was brainless fluff, and said you wanted an actual plot with real personalities. At that time, you didn’t say that you didn’t know about the tags and so on so I assumed that you knew somewhat of what you were getting into when you started reading this. My original comment doesn’t address that your phrasing is my issue but it’s heavily obvious that “I need these authors…” is the reason why I replied and is the only thing I’m replying to.

    “Maybe take a seat and think that we don't want realistic mangas and just want straight cotton candy.” which you replied with “im just expressing my personal dissatisfaction with these types of stories. Maybe you take a seat and think that some people want to read fiction with developed plots and complex characters.” is what made me start replying in “we”.

    This has gone on for a hot minute so I’m just gonna stop replying. If you want to keep typing there’s no one stopping you

    jojo May 31, 2024 7:35 pm
    “That’s why we read things we like and then don’t complain in the end when you read smthn you don’t like because it’s not your cup of tea lol don’t read it in the first place.” Was my reply to you... melodies

    you said i was being hypocritical, i asked how and you still cant actually explain, yall really just be saying anything.
    this has been going on for more than a hot minute and its just going in circles, so peace out.

    Aaron June 6, 2024 9:57 am

    damn what an asshole

    jojo June 6, 2024 6:49 pm
    damn what an asshole Aaron

    I will speak my truth

    Aaron June 6, 2024 7:45 pm
    I will speak my truth jojo

    but cant you be happy about this rare occurrence, good communication, no rape, no huge plot twist, just something cute to read in your freetime

    jojo June 6, 2024 10:23 pm
    but cant you be happy about this rare occurrence, good communication, no rape, no huge plot twist, just something cute to read in your freetime Aaron

    at the end of the day this story and its characters were not interesting (to me), i have no reason to be happy if i feel like i wasted my time.
    (and btw i have no issue with stories that have communication problems, rape- thats not romanticized or huge plot long as the story is well written and these aspects serve a meaningful purpose that is.)