I can’t like the MC…

Mylai88 May 16, 2024 4:11 am

He is just nothing but a hoe. I mean come on, you just go around handing out papers with your hotel number… what a weirdo. Then you have the audacity to sleep with two men while the other guy was with a coworker WORKING and you got all riled up… as you sit there on a hotel bed leaking cum from some random dude… disgust.. and then he doesn’t stop it, I mean you knew it wasn’t him, from the smell, him not talking, and the way he had sex… you didn’t think to just take a peak?! Brooooo, I can’t. I just can’t. I hate him. He doesn’t deserve a good man. Point blank.. he fkin irritates me. I hate his whole personality. lol well it’s not really that bad but I’m getting mad just thinking about him getting jealousy all the while he had slips of papers out there as invitations and a open hotel room door… a free for all. Smh. Street rat.

    Rin July 8, 2024 10:56 pm

    Fr lmao