I don’t get it

Grey Goo May 16, 2024 12:00 am

Author really had the MC go “The only way to heal Barney’s heart is to let him torture and rape all he wants with no repercussions, how else can he know I care if I don’t let him brutally assault to the point of passing out from blood loss?” Uuuum, what happened to the MC we started with? Before he would have knocked some sense into mage boy and talked him through it. Or kept shutting down his rape attempts and continue to use his words. They really decided there wasn’t enough fucking in this fuck fest and had the MC’s brain fucked out of his skull because he no longer can hold a consistent characterization or rational thought. ALSO how was that brutal assault scene between MC and Barney NOT considered a “bad end” it was just as awful as those “dreams.” ALSO ALSO how does he know how awful these people CAN be due to reading the novel and the dreams and not hold an ounce of suspicion for them? How was this man a teacher when he clearly wouldn’t be able to pass a fifth grade literature class, let alone college. BUH. This started out with potential but the writing just keeps getting worse and the pacing is awful. I want to like it I do, but it’s impossible with this kind of inconsistent characterization and hypocritical morals. I don’t think it knows what kind of story it wants to tell anymore.

    Ichigo May 16, 2024 3:41 am

    you're right on!!

    Fraiser May 16, 2024 5:47 am

    I know. Ever since the chapters with Ben, I've grown so cold on this story....