Hate Cha hae in

nini May 15, 2024 9:15 pm

Ik she must be the end game but u kind of detest how they brought her character, honestly it feels like Esil the monster had better chemistry. Why did they have to bring romance here anyways uhhhhh

    blu May 24, 2024 4:46 pm

    right? like idk but the romance felt forced a bit like it felt out of place for the story. Every time a new potential romantic interest was hinted it felt weird and out of nowhere

    nini May 24, 2024 6:36 pm

    Exactly, like they’re trying to push the romance onto our throats. And I thought Hae in’s character would have more interesting story , like how she’s just second to that Chairman in strength. But no they’re limiting her to a crush that feels out of place. Have you read Onmiscient reader’s viewpoint ? The female characters there are so well written, they have solid back stories and their addition to the story feels important.

    blu May 24, 2024 9:58 pm

    It is actually next on my priority to read; I just finished this one so I'm taking a bit of a break before I read it.
    And I agree, Hae-In's character was very interesting to me like I was fully behind her so I was so confused when a lot of her choices were made solely because she was interested in him. And even her liking him confused me because she never really had a reason to be into him (imo?) like he smelt different than other people and now suddenly she has a highschool crush on him? maybe im the problem but it felt a bit...incomplete?...empty? idk how to word it