The siblings siblings love is normal in ancient egypt, and Inthink the author is trying to say that seth was being r*pe was because of his past sins, he killed almost all of the women in there that looked like isis so the men haven’t been experiencing having to see/touch women, so since seth is a pretty boy they get horny w him (idk how to explain but yeah)

no yeah I understand that obviously like gods only sleep with gods and they all related shit but it’s just weird bc obviously incest is frowned upon and illegal so it feels disgusting to read? Idk if that makes sense lmfaoooo and I do understand the whole like men deprived thing but it’s still a bit strange but it’s personal opinion :)
i feel like the author is just using the revenge thing as an excuse to draw out their sick fetishes. matter of fact its pretty disrespectful to create a story of an actual mythological god getting raped. Only small parts are actually true to the mythology, none of these servants gang ing him. if u dont understand yet try to imagine a story of kali getting the same treatment. completely ridiculous right? its sad because this couldve otherwise had a lot of potential.