
Daemon May 15, 2024 12:17 pm

Ummmm licking food off the fur of a dirty, stray dog doesn't make you an angel, it makes you stupid and unhygienic.

Also, you're telling me that the King of the neighboring kingdom couldn't find a proper accommodation for the duration of his stay??? Come on, now. This is getting a bit too dumb now and I've only just begun reading!

    Lux May 15, 2024 2:32 pm

    Facts, along with the fact he was covered in dirt and had a strange rash on him

    Nizze May 15, 2024 3:12 pm

    Aish... brace yourself... cuz it won't get better... the overall IQ on this comic... is not very high...
    It's good to read with a light heart.. just don't think of the details too much...
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Aki May 16, 2024 1:56 am
    Aish... brace yourself... cuz it won't get better... the overall IQ on this comic... is not very high...It's good to read with a light heart.. just don't think of the details too much... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Nizze

    Considering how dumb those side characters that follow that witch are ofc the characters in the manga will be dumb but definitely smarter than those brainwashed peeps

    Daemon May 16, 2024 11:39 am
    Considering how dumb those side characters that follow that witch are ofc the characters in the manga will be dumb but definitely smarter than those brainwashed peeps Aki

    The bar is in hell

    LeenAnanz May 17, 2024 11:12 am

    I WAS GOING TO SAY!!! Like it's so disgusting how she just licked that stuff off his fur, not to mention the freaking king couldn't find a place to stay in? I still don't get how trusting she is as a woman navigating the world by herself, and I thought it was weird that she agreed on riding a carriage alone with 2 men to a rural place but I thought maybe she trusts her friend.
    Things get weirder

    Her forgiving attitude to people who pretty much don't deserve it bothers me so much
    It's not angelic, it's naive, and she's a pushover. Especially that grown ass guy who just a second ago was pinning her on the floor and about to beat her, she's like "oh I know you didn't mean it"
    This guy got you expelled, disowned, shamed and publicly humiliated, framed you for theft and vandalism, tried to ruin you (and a weak old woman)'s business bcz he was trying to suck up to a dumb bitch, followed you, harrassed you and tried to attack you when you were by yourself. The half-assed excuse he gave to justify his actions about hating her bcz she's honest and righteous is even stupider.
    It's geniunely stupid

    Lux May 18, 2024 7:07 pm
    I WAS GOING TO SAY!!! Like it's so disgusting how she just licked that stuff off his fur, not to mention the freaking king couldn't find a place to stay in? I still don't get how trusting she is as a woman navi... LeenAnanz