
Judychan May 14, 2024 9:56 pm

Yo, this crowd is hilarious with your righteous indignation in your hetero monogamous values. I can promise you that this isn’t anything amongst gay men. You seem fine with Ethan and Tristan being verse/switch and how they were fucking others before they got together. Y’all whack to think Ethan being an actor has never kissed anyone else. Or had done sex scenes as an actor. He’s not fucking the dude. And even if he was, these are gay men. Promiscuity among gay men isn’t uncommon. I am sure he’s and Tristen weren’t living like monks while they were apart as virile men in their prime. Just because the author didn’t fill in the gap with their hookups doesn’t mean they didn’t fuck around. I love how remove from reality reader of yaoi are from how actual gay men are.

    luvi May 14, 2024 10:20 pm

    I'm really trying to understand what you're saying bc they are dating right now and I don't see anyone mentioning what mightve happened while they were apart . Plus Ethan isn't even working rn??? this is literally outside of work so do you feel that is okay for him to being intimate with this person

    Sho-Chan May 14, 2024 10:33 pm

    I mean... way to just generalise gay men as a whole...

    Judychan May 14, 2024 10:36 pm

    Readers who red this kind of fictional work constantly come splash cold water reality is just a buzzkill. Plus if reader want reality. They really should go out and know the gay community. Not come from angles of heterosexual norms.

    Like I said the author didn’t fill in the blanks on their time apart. But considering how both Ethan and Tristan were fucking other people before they got together. It would not be a stretch to say they would be fucking other people when they were apart.

    I take it you’re a woman so you have different sexual POVs than men. For you, you know having sex with the context of being pure and not being view as a ho along with risk of pregnancy isn’t something gay men need to worry about. That’s why reading these very comments about this cheating from a female perspective isn’t the same as how men think of cheating. Men are a lot more open to extracurricular activities outside the relationship. Especially given how sexual both these characters are.

    This is the most factual yaoi of how hot gay men are. Being in a relationship isn’t always about being with that one sex partner.

    It’s also weird people are upset with Wren but give a free pass on Sebastian when Ethan had him as his fuck buddy/slave. You see the double standard idiocy, right?

    Judychan May 14, 2024 10:42 pm
    I mean... way to just generalise gay men as a whole... Sho-Chan

    Aren’t all the readers doing what you accuse me of doing? I am giving another perspective from what my experience with hot gay men are. Way for you to support everyone else who has generalized the whole gay community. On what authority do you stand on to back your claim. Mine POV comes from a lot of the gay men I know. I didn’t say it was all. I said it as it pertains to this storyline. If you’re too dense to know this. I can’t help your small mindedness. Especially when you’re doing the very thing you accuse me of doing. This is why gay representation from straight people are just a bunch of weirdos talking out of their asses.

    hoeforjayjo May 14, 2024 10:47 pm

    heterosexuality is when ppl don’t cheat! got it. crazy way to generalize all gay men. i hope you heal, sincerely.

    Grell May 14, 2024 10:53 pm

    This is so funny reading this as a gay man........bro thinks we're all cheaters ah hell we're doomed

    Judychan May 14, 2024 11:04 pm
    heterosexuality is when ppl don’t cheat! got it. crazy way to generalize all gay men. i hope you heal, sincerely. hoeforjayjo

    You’re an idiot who clearly is making spin out of this. I am saying what constitutes as cheating for heterosexual women isn’t the same for gay men. Perhaps you should talk to gay men instead of being this stupid. Even for straight men, cheating is different from straight women. If you don’t talk to enough men and just come with your preconceived notions of what social norms are across the spectrum of sexuality then it’s not my fault you’re this much of a dumbass. Come up up with this regurgitated cbullshit like of how I need to heal when your this idiotic is why straight people like to force their straight norms into the LGBTQIA communities and are clueless that your norms do not apply to people who are different than you. Seriously, the lack of brain cells I am losing with idiots like you.

    Judychan May 14, 2024 11:10 pm
    This is so funny reading this as a gay man........bro thinks we're all cheaters ah hell we're doomed Grell

    Didn’t say all gay men are cheaters. You chose to read it that way. I said Gay men view cheating differently than straight women. You being a gay ,en is not a representation of ALL gay men. Stop using it like it’s some authority over what I know my gay friends do and practice. Only an idiot would come at me with “I am a gay man so I speak for all gay men” bullshit. I guarantee that even some straight men don’t find what Tristen did as cheating.

    haku May 14, 2024 11:11 pm

    who hurt you? speak for yourself dude, just because you can’t find a good partner doesn’t mean gays go around cheating on each other, gay people can be loyal as well. don’t spread those shitty stereotypes around

    Grell May 14, 2024 11:19 pm
    You’re an idiot who clearly is making spin out of this. I am saying what constitutes as cheating for heterosexual women isn’t the same for gay men. Perhaps you should talk to gay men instead of being this s... Judychan

    Gay people can be committed you know, like it's not off the table when you realise you're gay, like I didn't suddenly go "ah shit, now I have to cheat to fit into my communities norms" like everyone from every demographic cheats it's not a culture first of all. Sure some gay men have different boundaries but boundaries are personal to each couple and partners? like I'm a gay man and cheating to me is being intimate as shown in this chapter with another person? as you said people have different views of cheating, call it "straight norms" but can't gay people also think the same, like bro I too would be mad if my partner did something like this and I'm a gay man, it's subjective and you being angry and generalising gay culture by your experience or picking simply picking a viewpoint from a sector of a massive community it's just crazy bro like is getting married also a straight norm or am I crazy?

    Grell May 14, 2024 11:20 pm
    Gay people can be committed you know, like it's not off the table when you realise you're gay, like I didn't suddenly go "ah shit, now I have to cheat to fit into my communities norms" like everyone from every ... Grell

    ignore the typos I'm tired but my point still stands

    Grell May 14, 2024 11:22 pm
    Didn’t say all gay men are cheaters. You chose to read it that way. I said Gay men view cheating differently than straight women. You being a gay ,en is not a representation of ALL gay men. Stop using it like... Judychan

    "gay men view cheating differently than women" acting like we're all the same? me and my friends who are girls have all the same views, like you're looking at a category of gay men and saying it extends to all of us

    Judychan May 14, 2024 11:24 pm
    who hurt you? speak for yourself dude, just because you can’t find a good partner doesn’t mean gays go around cheating on each other, gay people can be loyal as well. don’t spread those shitty stereotypes... haku

    Only fucktards come with idiotic comments like who hurt you as a defense mechanism because YOU got butthurt with what I said so you are using reverse psychology as if it’s actually witty. Dumbasses are always this stupid and idiotic.

    Never said gay men can’t be loyal. Just saying cheating is defined differently with gay men. Even amongst straight men and straight women, cheating isn’t defined the same way. I’ve been around enough gay men who don’t have the same issues with getting pregnant and being labeled a ho for fucking around do not have as much sexual issues of being non-monogamous. It’s why women need more one-one relationships than men. It’s proven men cheat a lot more than women because what constitutes as cheating for men is vastly different than what it means for women. I cannot believe I have to explain this to idiots on some managa site sociology.

    I’m not. This is making me lose brain cells talking to narrow minded idiots who are butthurt nby what I said. Y’all seem fine with pigeonholing two characters with your POVs and can’t seen beyond your stupid narrow mindedness.

    Grell May 14, 2024 11:43 pm
    Only fucktards come with idiotic comments like who hurt you as a defense mechanism because YOU got butthurt with what I said so you are using reverse psychology as if it’s actually witty. Dumbasses are always... Judychan

    I'm sorry that your social circle is full of cheaters? I'm not sure what you're angry at if I'm being honest, this is a site full of mostly women, what do you want them to do? switch to the gay cheater mindset and be like "yeah okay I'm cool with this" of course they're going to react with their "straight norms" and "heterosexual norms" because they're accustomed to it, I'm not sure what you're originally angry at, that people are reacting this way? like all you've done is lump the whole gay community in one box like yeah men cheat more for sure but that's literally not every gay person lmfao as you stated with "I love how remove from reality reader of yaoi are from how actual gay men are." lumping us all in like we're the avengers of cheating, like damn that must be your social circle because it's not reaching mine. You're annoyed at people who you've marginalised as people who don't agree with cheating for complaining...that they don't like seeing characters cheat so what do you want to see? what are you annoyed with?

    haku May 14, 2024 11:47 pm
    Only fucktards come with idiotic comments like who hurt you as a defense mechanism because YOU got butthurt with what I said so you are using reverse psychology as if it’s actually witty. Dumbasses are always... Judychan

    calm you tits looool it’s not that deep.
    as you can see you’re the only one defending your stereotypic ass thinking like crazy, go touch some grass, meet different people and you’ll see that people are indeed different. i’ve met enough gay people and believe me, what you say is just simply stupid and hurtful generalising.
    cheating definition doesn’t come from you being gay, straight or whatever, it comes from a single person and it differs so it doesn’t mean gay men define it different, it means THE PERSON you met defines it that way. ive met enough happy monogamous gay men and enough straight hooking around men and women to know that. your orientation doesn’t mean shit with cheating.
    omg i’ll stop now because it seems thinking makes you loose your brain cells and we can’t risk you loosing them all

    haku May 14, 2024 11:49 pm
    I'm sorry that your social circle is full of cheaters? I'm not sure what you're angry at if I'm being honest, this is a site full of mostly women, what do you want them to do? switch to the gay cheater mindset ... Grell

    perfectly said, love it

    luvi May 15, 2024 5:45 am
    I'm sorry that your social circle is full of cheaters? I'm not sure what you're angry at if I'm being honest, this is a site full of mostly women, what do you want them to do? switch to the gay cheater mindset ... Grell

    yes this omg

    hoeforjayjo May 16, 2024 8:37 am
    You’re an idiot who clearly is making spin out of this. I am saying what constitutes as cheating for heterosexual women isn’t the same for gay men. Perhaps you should talk to gay men instead of being this s... Judychan

    kissing someone else who isn’t your boyfriend isn’t considered cheating for gay men? pls pls PLS heal cheating is cheating for ALL relationships unless something both partners talk about and agree too