This is passing me off

HiIMWyzard May 14, 2024 8:54 pm

Helios knows Diana is a dumb brainless twat and instead of kicking her to the curb like he initially thought before he promised her stupid father that he wouldn’t leave her… what is Diana bringing to the table???? Why tell her to stop her attack when you know anything Diana touches she ruins. These people constantly talk about how she’s not book or street smart and uses the fact that she used to be a country bumpkin to serve HIGH END nobles McDonald’s happy meals….. Helios your father finna kick the bucket any day her powers don’t work and she’s not helping you with anything!!!! Hestia told you them ships would sink and what Diana do?? INVESTED ANYWAYS she’s so butt hurt that Kael moved on and is now being loved and appreciated and not kissing her ass anymore bro ridiculous what a pick me!! And the funny thing is Helios wants a girl like hestia so bad it’s laughable ugh I can’t wait to see Diana fall and crumble!!
