I think it could go either way, this shoujo isn't following its typical route, the fact she kisses and has a soft spot for kaya but her heart seems to want nasu.... but that can interpreted as a friendship which she never had? Usually in most shoujos you know who the ML lead is but this one is different. I think kaya will step up and distance himself, like character growth also there is this flashbacks of a girl so that could be his endgame??? I don't know....
i think they’re definitely gonna end up together, based on all the fanart and merch. i’d be more weird if they didn’t. author would also lose alot of readers if they suddenly changed the ml, 100% sure they’re gonna be the endgame
I think it could go either way, this shoujo isn't following its typical route, the fact she kisses and has a soft spot for kaya but her heart seems to want nasu.... but that can interpreted as a friendship which she never had? Usually in most shoujos you know who the ML lead is but this one is different. I think kaya will step up and distance himself, like character growth also there is this flashbacks of a girl so that could be his endgame??? I don't know....