Tw: attempted rape and non con

Peachyblue May 14, 2024 3:38 pm

So while everyone is upset that Ai had a thing with Yukio(which i dunno why is super upsetting cuz a)it's the apocalypse anb more importantly b) the cp aren't a thing so :??) but can we talk about the rape though?!!

I hate trope/storyline thing that these creators do- ml:stay away from me even though we love each other cuz amnesia *insert some plot thing* bla bla
Mc: nooo
Ml proceeds to rape

Disgusting, horrible and very horrible to read. It's a traumatic experience and not a cheap plot device. Why would you ruin other wise good characters (even though Ai actually was forceful in the beginning as well so nvm)

Man, I dunno. It was an okay read. Better, loving *consent aware* mls would've been better :/

    Uchiru July 6, 2024 8:01 am

    It always feels like a dick move when an ML claim to like MC but proceed to fuck someone (substitute or not). I don't trust that someone to be truly in love if you can fuck anyone while claiming love and possessive of someone. It seems selfish to want love and be debauch with other people

    smutecni March 12, 2025 11:49 pm

    i just don’t understand that people are defending his actions. i honestly don’t get it. i didn’t even read past the 1st chapter, that rape scene just felt so disgusting to me. like how can he force himself onto the person he likes just after said person went through something this traumatic? hell tf no. people saying that this is just fiction so it’s okay are pea brained.